Names you would never give your child

by Nosferatu 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • TresHappy

    I knew a lady who named her daughter Pfeiffer in honor of Michelle.

  • Mulan

    Some JW's in Hawaii told me they ran into Cook Islanders, who had moved to Hawaii, and had two little girls there. They were not very skilled with English so named their girls two of the prettiest words they had heard, Gasoline and Gonnorhea.

    My father had a patient who name their first daughter Hallelujah (after six boys, I might have done that too)

    Names I wouldn't use:


  • link

    It all depends on what the surname is. I went to school with two sisters named Olive and Teresa, which was OK until you knew their surname was Green.

    When I lived in East Africa my next door neighbours housemaid was called Syphilis. I think her parents wanted to call her Phyllis but since they couldn’t read or write and their English was not too good, the Registrar of Births thought he would have some fun.

    Those colonial British were terrible for doing things like that to the local population.


  • Fe2O3Girl

    We haven't started a family yet, but Mr Fe2O3 has decided the firstborn son will be called Tomsk.

    I am not convinced. Could be worse, he could have plumped for Great Uncle Bulgaria...............

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Many many many Hispanics have this fixation with naming their sons Jesus.

    Gosh, I find it so weird now that I'm all grown up!!!


  • simplesally

    My real name is Latrina Syphilis de Jesus.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    When I was looking for a name for my second daughter my husband wanted to call her Daisy

    No way - not on your life

    That was the name of my mother's cow when she was a child.

    Soap opera or show business names seem to become very popular and you can tell what the mother's favorite show is by the name she chooses.

    My grandmother did a double namer on one of her kids.

    I went for different spellings of common names. Both my girls have hated that at one point in their lives but now they like it.

    I would never name a child after anyone in my family or Jrize the poor kid.

    And since I chose my own name when I changed it I sort of both like and dislike a gender neutral name like Lee. It has both advantages and disadvantages

  • undercover
    A kid in my daughter's class is named Sparkle. Sometimes parents can be so cruel.

    If Sparkle married Farkel, then she would be Sparkle Farkel.

  • Nosferatu

    If Claudia Schiffer married John Braynes (, Would she be Claudia Schiffer Braynes?

  • freelife

    I heard of someone naming their kid Le monjello someone must have really liked lemon jello

    personal dislikes

    Leah (ex wife)

    Marie (ex wife middle name)


    Brandin ( fiancee's son's Father)

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