Pics of Me and My Daughter...I've Got 'em Uploaded Now...Thanks!

by Frannie Banannie 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • Frannie Banannie
  • dustyb

    they don't work....upload them =D

    you need to go to your personal files and upload them to the website...

  • TD

    Heya Frannie,

    You've linked to your local harddrive. Nobody can see the pictures but you. If anonymity is a concern this could be a problem also.

    In the upper left corner of the screen when you're logged on, it says "Profile :: Files :: Logoff"

    Click on "Files" Upload your pictures and attach them with the paperclip icon.

  • simplesally

    Very beautiful women!!!!!!!!!!

    Where did you have this done?

  • Vivamus

    Frannie, oh my, you are drop dead gorgeous! And your daughter looks just like you


    Blue Bubblegum Girl

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    (blushing a LOT here) um....Glamour Shots....We had them taken a coupla years ago, but that's the most recent I have....Thanks for the compliments, Simple Sally and Vivamus! I can't hold a candle to yall, tho

    THANKS YALL for the "uploading" heads up... Now maybe it won't look like I was trying to create my own billboard...(whew!)

    Frannie B

  • mouthy

    WoW!!!! What a good looking dish! Both of you ---do you have a MR Bannie-??? If not I think some of the guys will be interested.......LOL In my home language I will say "YOUR SMASHING!!!!!!!( From Grannie Or Mum

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    WoW!!!! What a good looking dish! Both of you ---do you have a MR Bannie-??? If not I think some of the guys will be interested.......LOL In my home language I will say "YOUR SMASHING!!!!!!!( From Grannie Or Mum

    Ohhhh, ((((Grannie Mouthy)))) You are SUCH a sweetheart! I am SO blushing over this....I can't begin to tell ya how self-conscious I am....which is why I waited so long to do least I'll be at work tonite and can't get online till tomorrow....(gulps)

    Hugs 'n smoochies,

    Frannie B

  • WildHorses

    Fannie, You look familiar to me. Someone I used to chat with in the AOL chat rooms. I can't remember the screen name though.

  • Sneaky Russian
    Sneaky Russian

    Frannie, you are one fine looking lady

    You look so well!

    And from what I have read so far what a fantastic personality to match and a heart of gold.

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