Why are the 2 newly appointed Governing Body Members from Bethel, when there are anointed ones all over the world? they could have used.

by RULES & REGULATIONS 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

    Are they more likely to appoint someone they know well or someone they've never met?

    My point is that Jesus never enters the picture in appointing these 2 new Governing Body members. The Watchtower Society is just a man-made Business Corporation disguising as a Religion. There are no ''faithful and discreet slaves'' on this earth, and if there were, the Society would put them to a better use in the teaching and preaching work. These 2 brothers are just corporate men.

    As Anony Mous stated: Both of them were already lackeys at the GB.

  • Freeorange

    Just two new hires - company men. Same as the COs now. Gone are the days of the sweet old brother and his wife that everyone knows and loves. For the last 15+ years these guys show up from out of nowhere, no one has ever heard of them or knows anyone that does, they serve like robots - cold and perfunctory, and then gone. We literally had a CO come straight from his CIA career and when he was done with our circuit he returned to D.C. for his next “assignment”. Sure - not fishy at all.

  • was a new boy
    was a new boy
    Only those 'brought up in the truth' are now considered, plus it's so much easier to know 'the good and bad' of someone if they're already at Bethel.

    No more military veterans.

    'As told by Anthony Morris III

    My mother studied the Bible with the Witnesses, but she never got baptized.'

    'Brother Fleegle was raised in western Pennsylvania, U.S.A., by his God-fearing parents. When he was a teenager, his family moved to a small rural town where the need was greater.

    Brother Winder was raised in Murrieta, California, U.S.A. He was brought up in the truth by his parents,'

    Did Fleegle's God-fearing parents ever take him to meditate and ponder at the nearby Charles Taze Russell Grave and Pyramid?

  • blondie

    ON WEDNESDAY, January 18, 2023, a special announcement appeared on jw.org, stating that Brothers Gage Fleegle and Jeffrey Winder had been appointed to serve as members of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Both brothers have a long history of faithful service to Jehovah. When did they or when they will be in the list of GB members. This appears in the February 2024 WT. Have they been serving since January 18, 2023?

  • Teddnzo

    Yeah, One of them admitted he didn’t want to be GB.

    Nobody in their right mind would want to take on a load of dead mens false teachings and be trapped with them, how can they unwind all this 1914 nonsense without the truth coming out that this is all man made?

  • a watcher
    a watcher

    Yeah, Teddnzo. I think that was Fleegle. If he really didn't want to be GB he could have said "No, thanks". Wuss.

  • DisgruntledFool

    The current Governing Body is a joke. It is now comprised of post 1935 'anointed remnant', many of whom are younger than me (I'm 68). In the early 1970's Nathan Knorr railed against the idea of 'younger anointed ones', especially at Bethel. Anyone who attended the dedication of the assembly hall in Natick Massachusetts can recall Knorr carrying on that THERE ARE NO NEW REMNANT! And yet here we are over 50 years later and his beloved religion is run by all so-called NEW REMNANT most of whom are Bethelites. So it seems that what we have here with the Governing Body is almost a case of apostolic succession where new members of the Governing Body are chosen from among their own kind. As an interesting side note, Fred Franz did not believe that the Faithful Slave Class was a small group of men separated from other anointed Christians. On page 338 of GOD'S KINGDOM OF A THOUSAND YEARS HAS APPROACHED it says: " This limiting the "slave" to the twelve apostles, however, might allow for the doctrine of an apostolic succession or an episcopal succession, a succession of bishops (overseers) by the religious process of ordination. 16 However, when we view the 'faithful and discreet slave" as being the whole body of disciples (including spiritual overseers) , it eliminates such a thing as "episcopal succession" that history shows has worked such harm and oppression in Christendom."

  • LongHairGal


    You might have a point there!

    This is corporate headquarters and they need everybody to ‘fit in’. Somebody from across the world is an ‘unknown’ to them and they might not want to take a chance!

    Is everybody forgetting that we don’t know the reasons AM3 was removed? There is speculation he may have not been in agreement with the changes that were just implemented in the annual meeting.. Situations like this would possibly be more likely to occur in the future with somebody from elsewhere.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    And right now,,, what the Borg can ill afford is another Ray Franz situation.

    I venture to bet that the GB or whoever agreed with Morris so AM3 would NOT talk.

    And,,,,gave Morris a sweet pot to take a " hike" off the GB. Like that of a nice,newer & spacious dwelling.

  • BoogerMan

    Because unity being a company man is a pre-requisite to being voted on to the hierarchy chariot!

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