On the night before my wedding.....

by Strawberryfieldsforever 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • FlyingHighNow
    She then told me to remember one thing tho...that you aren't to touch it.

    Doesn't some part of you have to touch it to have intercourse?


  • hillary_step
    She then told me to remember one thing tho...that you aren't to touch it.

    Perhaps she meant your Trust Fund.



    You are a step above me, strawberryfieldsforever ...

    I never got the ummmmm ... talkTM ...


    by the way: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

  • jgnat

    Here is where such a thought might have originated:

    Deuteronomy 25 11 When two men are in a fight and the wife of the one man, trying to rescue her husband, grabs the genitals of the man hitting him, 12 you are to cut off her hand. Show no pity. (MSG)

  • wednesday

    My mom took me into the bathrooom and took out a cigar box full of condoms. She said my father had bought these for us and for God's sake not to get pregnant on my wedding night. I had never seen condoms and did not even know what they were for. She said"don't worry, XXXX will know what to do with them". That was my "talk".

  • Euphemism
    My mom took me into the bathrooom and took out a cigar box full of condoms.

    Well hopefully that was before Monica Lewinsky...

  • Sassy

    I never got the talk either.. I also never heard that you weren't supposed to 'touch it'... oh my.. I have been being bad a very very long time!

  • Puternut

    Yes, you can't touch it, smell it or taste it. As far as some parents are concerned. Though the scriptures say otherwise:

    If you read the account in Prov 5, you can actually see that oral sex and touching IS encouraged in the bible

    vs 15: "Drink water out of your own cistern, and tricklings out of the midst of your own well"

    vs 17: "Let them prove to be for you alone"

    vs 18: "Let the water source prove to be blessed, and rejoice with the wife of your youth"

    vs 19: "With her love may you be in an extasy constantly"

  • Rabbit


    Most of this comes from the horses's mouth. Yes, other religions have stupid rules for married people, too, However, this forum pretty much focuses on the JW slant on things.

    On my Wedding Eve -- for your consideration:

    My bride to be, says HER parents want to talk to us. OK. We sit down before the Elder & his fanatic wife. She does most of the talking, he acts like he would rather be -- drilling holes in his head, etc. ...

    SHE starts the talk: WE just wanted to talk to you two about what Jah & his organ, er, society expects from you concerning SEXUAL RELATIONS !!! In order to keep your marriage bed clean and undefiled...

    Me & bride: ah, ah, ah, O - KAY...

    We very both 24 y/o real virgins. We really did not know all the fun, ummmm, bad things we might do. We were also very, RED and looking at our feet, as that is allowable.

    She & He: Jah condemns any kind of unnatural actions, even between married couples, such as Anal Intercourse, *gasp* Oral Intercourse, *gasp* i.e. ANY Oral - Gentital contact was B-A-D, (*damn, gasp* I had heard good reports of these things..!) The missionary position was described as the very best recommended as 'acceptable' by Jah's org. !

    ME & bride: Very, very red.

    THEM: It was very, very B-A-D to perform ANY type of mutual or self-masterbation. (*damn*gasp*well...is there anything left we can do...? I was asking myself...*)

    Us: Very red with purple tinges...

    THEM: It does say...(pulls out a bible)" that a husband COULD always be intoxicated by the breasts of his wife."( Finally, something we could do...although...intoxicated? I was a virgin (really) but, this sounded like something I should check out.) (I scribbled out a note with a check mark. lol)

    THEM: And of course, kissing was OK, as along as it was not on the genitals...UNDERSTAND...?

    US: uh-huh...yes...(damn)

    THEM: So, as long as you keep your marriage bed clean and undefiled -- your marriage will be blessed by Jehovah and his congregation.

    ME: But, but what about all those neat positions I saw in the serious sex-help books, I mean, they looked like fun...?

    THEM: You two, we both love ya'. See ya' tomorrow...

    ME -- later, whew! Bride -- I know I'm sorry, I did not know they were going to talk about that...

    ME: O-K

    THIS REALLY HAPPENED ! I did not make this up...!

    So, they don't get-in-to-your-bedroom...?

  • Sentinel

    ...well, remember, we are not to even "TOUCH THE UNCLEAN THING".

    I suspect that your mother was raised to be very prudish about sex anyway. I know my mother was. In her mind sex was something only for men, and women just had to "deal with it".

    Your mom misconstrued written scripture and applied it to the male penis. How unfortunate for you to have received such a confusing and incorrect message on the night before your wedding!

    I suspect you truly did not believe her even then.


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