
by Octavia 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • 2escaped lifers
    2escaped lifers

    welcome, welcome, WELCOME!!!!!!!!! Our numbers are growing !!! My husband and I left together this summer but have been in the process for about 2 years.

    So are you puternuts gf or not??? inquiring minds want to know

  • Huxley

    Welcome, this is a really great place, all sorts of folks...enjoy!


  • codeblue

    Welcome Octavia!!!

    Hope you enjoy your stay with us. I have been here for about 10 months...it took me 4 months to post...sigh...There are a lot of nice people.

    Glad to know Puternut isn't "alone"...you can share this "new journey" with him.

    Maybe we will meet you at the up coming gatherings in Seattle.

    Take care,


  • maybesbabies

    Welcome to the board, Octavia, hope you and 'puter nut can make it to either the Feb. 7th dinner or the St.Patties day Apostofest!!!! If not, well it's just darn good to have you here anyways!!!! Hugs!!


  • willyloman
    It has been a lifetime since my last confession.

    If you stick around here, you'll be sharing your most intimate thoughts soon enough.

    Welcome aboard!

  • Strawberryfieldsforever

    Welcome Octavia!

    I'm from Minnesota and new too. Today school was canceled because of cold brrrr weather! I drive a school bus and that means I can have a drink before 5:00 today!!! I'll toast you with my brandy and 7-up around 4:00


  • peacebaby

    Hello Octavia! I'm new here, too, and I like it. This is a real transitional phase we're going through - I'm on my 'official' way out, too. Hope you find encouragement, love, and a laugh or 2.

    Peace and Love from peacebaby

  • Sassy

    Welcome to all the newbies in this thread!! May your time here at JWD be as helpful in your exit has it has been for the rest of us..

    Octavia, it is nice to know that puternut has someone special in his life. We're looking forward to getting to you know, as much as we have been him! Stick around!

  • Badger

    Octavia: Welcome!

    Love the name...are you the eighth daughter?

  • Yerusalyim

    Octavia, (also the name of the Emperor Ocatvian (Augustus)

    Welcome to the board!

    Is this Jehovah's Witnesses annonymous? Hi... I'm Octavia, and I'm an ex-Jehovah's Witness.

    obviously you have a sense of humor.

    You're Puternut's girlfriend, so it's obvious you have good taste.

    Make each other feel better about the DF...as often as PN can.

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