Unbaptised son maybe asked to be in assembly ... Suggestions please!

by 4thgen 20 Replies latest social family

  • 4thgen

    My husband and I are divorced. I have custody of my tween son. I left 3 years ago on principle. My ex, who was removed as an elder for child abuse.... has been studying with him (during phone conversations and on his weekends) and taking him in service on his visitation weekends. We have no contact with JW's other than when he is with his father. Yet, he is an unbaptized publisher. He likes dressing up and walking the neighborhoods). My ex is sucking up to be reappointed.

    During the visitation this weekend, the COBE has asked to speak to my son. My ex does not know why (?). Recently my ex-contacted the COBE at the local congregation and they are arranging for my son to be picked up to go to meetings, while he is living with me. They will need to approach me before he's picked up- and I will thank them for their concern, but basically tell them to butt out. Maybe the COBE wants to talk to my son about how he needs to stand up and tell me he wants to attend....He doesn't really- he HATES our hall here.

    OR....The Special Day is coming up and I have a sneaking feeling that he will be asked to be on the platform. Does anyone have any experience in these matters? I do not want him to be on the platform, with all it's 'glory' and adoration. I am trying to keep him level headed and I'm afraid this will push him the other way.

    Sorry that I am all over the place.... I HATE this game of cat and mouse, with my son being the pawn...I have a few days to prepare him for whatever may come, but I'm not sure where I'm at with this.

  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters

    Damn, I hate what this cult does to kids!!

    You mentioned you had custody. Where I live, there are legally differing kinds of child custody -- full custody, sole custody, shared custody -- and they each have their distinctions and legalities.

    Have you a lawyer? Can your find out what your legal rights are in this regard? Can your son be helped to be "neutral" until he is of legal age?

    Also, do you know what the assembly part might be about or what is the point of his part? If it has anything to do with living in a "divided household", that could be very defaming to your character, to which you could strenuously object and threaten legal action....

    I feel for you in this situation, not easy. No easy answers.

  • sparrowdown

    I can understand your concern, performing on the platform like trained seal together with the applause and back-slapping afterwards can be a very powerful cult drug to any of us, let alone, an impressionable young man.

    Tell them you insist on both parents permission to appear on the platform, as he is underage.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Do not let any J.W. male pick up your son - you have tons of reasons for refusing to allow this to happen!

    Also, politely tell the CoBE - or anyone else for that matter - "Thank you for your offer, but there's nothing I wish to discuss with you at the moment, nor do I want my son to be put under any kind of pressure or stress."

    Don't let them make an appointment, never mind coming into your home! Hope things work out for you.

  • sparrowdown
    Ditto what the searcher said.
  • DesirousOfChange

    My ex, who was removed as an elder for child abuse.... . My ex is sucking up to be reappointed.

    First thing, someone suspected of child abuse is supposed to NEVER be reappointed to ANY position.

    Second thing, be cautious not to be too adamant about your refusal to let him do JW things that he likes. Sometimes the more persistent you are about keeping something from a kid, the more determined they become to have it.

    Finally, sometimes being in an assembly part can be a real eyeopener to how much BS is presented as "true". Our son's experience made him realize how much they "stretch the truth" (LIE).

    Good luck,


  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    OR....The Special Day is coming up and I have a sneaking feeling that he will be asked to be on the platform. Does anyone have any experience in these matters? I do not want him to be on the platform, with all it's 'glory' and adoration. I am trying to keep him level headed and I'm afraid this will push him the other way.


    Unfortunately, I know of situations where they 'used' JW children from divided families at assembly's to make them feel important and to get back at the DF'd apostate mate. It is WT gang warfare at it's finest. This made the children hate their DF parent all the more. They had 'crowd' approval. clapclapclapclapclap

    -----> There are so many delightful things for 'tweens to do other than sit at the KHall, hearing adult drone cult oppressive do's and don't and doctrines and cult words that change all the time plus hate speech against other religions and gays. Is he in after school sports or music lessons? What does HE want to do? Where do his interests lie, now and for his future? What ever he is interested in, I would have appreciated a tutor and a mentor, to guide me to help me make wise decisions for my future.

    All the best to you both.


  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    The Searcher said it all. No need to add to what he said.

    Well I will add one thing. Tell the courts that you don't want your child to go to any meetings. Bring up the Australian Royal Commission.

  • rebel8

    Create opportunities for him to dress up and do public speaking that do not involve a cult. Toastmasters, Explorers Club, do they still have Junior Achievement?

    Emphasize the things he doesn't like about the cult.

  • truthseeker100
    Rebel when I said you're name is anathema to me I did not mean you. Different thread. LOL.

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