Mom came to visit, tried sticking the elders on me!

by Eyebrow2 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Maverick

    Since the the Elderborg did not actually see you...go about your business. If they see you out front and come up and start talking to you, tell them you just moved there and give them a look like," What ARE you talking about?" Just act like you think they are kinda goofy and pathetic...hell that should be easy cause THEY ARE! Maverick

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I must make a mental note to NOT be out front raking the leaves on Saturday mornings

    No, not at all!

    If you are outside raking leaves you can go inside as they approach the house and you can ignore the doorbell.

    Or, if they catch you in your yard, say, "Can you excuse me a minute?" Then go inside and sit down and watch TV for 45 minutes or so. Don't answer the door if they ring the doorbell. Eventually, they'll go away.

    Who says you're obligated to be polite to them?

  • garybuss

    I gave my Witness relatives access to my children. Those relatives taught those children that I was evil and directed them to shun me. Today, two of my adult sons joined them as Witnesses and shun me. After my experiences with the Witness group, I would not let a Witness within 1,000 miles of my children.

  • Sassy

    ((((((((((((((Eyebrow2))))))))))))) I could see my mother doing that.. I do plan IF she ever comes to see me, about what will happen IF she asks the elders to come see me. I think already she knows she dare not..

    The thing is, your publisher cards are NOT in their cong.. so how much can they really do? I think Nina had some good points about blowing it off.. saying yes yes and having reasons why you might attend another hall... or that you will probably stop in one day for a meeting soon.. just pacify them.. then they have nothing on you..

    and as for the Xmas decorations.. DON"T sweat that either.. after all .. you have an "unbelieving mate" right? he has every right to celebrate without them dfing you for it..

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    I find that the direct approach is the best ; smile and politely say " thank you but I am not interested" ......close door firmly. End of discussion.

    As an ex JW who was "raised" with all that BULL@#$%?!, I know better than to EVER engage in a discussion with any of them. Not because I think that I will not be able to literally " dance circles" around them verbally with what I know about their religion; but because I know all too well what their perspective and mind set is. Namely, that no matter what I say or how well I articulate it; to them, I will always be wrong--and they will always be right ( well, they have Jehovah on their side, don't they?)

    It is not worth the time or effort. Been there. Done that.

  • Yerusalyim


    That combined with a JW background might possibly have made you the most annoying person in the world.

  • mustang

    As Maverick and Nathan point out: do as you please.

    It is MY/YOUR house. NOBODY INTERROGATES ME IN OR ON MY PROPERTY. I say this to myself and to all comers!!!

    If the exception is Law Enforcement, they can get a Court Order. They know how to do that and they will be back. Otherwise, I don't have to give my name, rank serial # or the time of day!!!

    The same goes for the #%$@&* telephone!!! I even told that to the TelCo phone sales critter: I pay the bill, I ask the questions.

    There is an inbred "authority fixation" (?, for want of a better description) that says when the right button is pushed, spill out the answers to questions.

    Sales types are trained to do this; the same goes for the JW thought-police and a lot of nosy, busybodies learn this instinctively.

    Practice getting out of this mode. That will mean you may "talk to yourself", but rehearsal helps. (My girlfriend caught me in a "speech to the clouds" one morning while I was outside waiting for her to get to the car.)


  • shamus

    LMAO at mustang! I am the same way... when the telephone company called and asked about my long distance plan, I gave them an earfull. I told them to never, EVER call me again doing telemarketing calls.

    They haven't bothered me since. I dont' accept telemarketing calls.

    If the witnesses ever came to my door, I'd be polite and tell them bye bye, and that I do not wish to talk about any of they're beliefs. If they pressed, look out! I was a good dub. When people were obviously very hostile, I would know to leave them alone and not push anything. Just make very quick small talk, put the mags away, and wish them a good day, not put off, but apologetic like. People really calmed down when that would happen...

    Most people whom I went out inservice with were like robots. They did not read the situation and keep pushing those buttons, LOL! The result was a blast from the past...

  • Eyebrow2

    Thank you...I appreciate everyone's responses! It helps to read your answers, to know others know how wierd it seems sometimes. I picked up my husband from the airport today, and was telling him all this, and your great responses, he is glad I have a place to share this stuff, because he admits he cannot fully understand what it is like to be a died hard witness, and then not to be anymore, and what the fall out is.

    My son will be 13 on Thursday; he spent almost 8 years going to the halls and out in service with me. He understands why I left, and although he was polite to the guys that came to the door, he would like to say a few things to them hahah. I think if they come I won't hide, but will open the door and say "hello, sure I know where the hall is. It is very convenient when my mother visits. Thanks for your time, have a nice day..gotta run". And leave it like that....I think if I do anything else, like hide if they come by again, I will be changing my behavior for them. I was like that when I lived in the world of fear when I was a witness...the last few years I have learned to confront things when I had to, and not stray away from confrontations if they came to me. In re reading a lot of these posts, I have come to realize that is one of the best changes I have made in my life in the last 6 years.

    and Yeru, regarding your comment:


    That combined with a JW background might possibly have made you the most annoying person in the world.

    Damn straight!!!!!!! Even scarier...I was an active JW while an insurance agent and in if THAT is not the making of a super evil villian, I just don't know what is! I realized that AMWAY is a religion, so dropped that because JWs cannot do interfaith, hahah...left insurance because my bosses wanted me to sell based on commissions instead of need, and then.....well, realized that being a JW was not a fit for me anymore than the other 2. It is funny how your friends you meet in AMWAY and at insurance meetings don;t want anything to do with you when you are out either. Hmmm....maybe I just smell.

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