God hates mankind

by shotgun 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • gumby
    1. His Angel deceives Eve who was still childlike( she couldn't even cloth herself properly,God provided clothing for them ) So he punishes Them instead of this angel who he names Satan

    Well I have become a dub apologist and I'm here to tell you your wrong, bastard!

    God clothed her to be nice cuz she didn't have the concept yet. He gave them fig leaves first as a temporary fix, then he made them look like Sonny and Cher with the animal gidup.He was being kind and helpfull cuz eve was just standing there holding her hand over her thingy.

    As for punishing only Eve only and not the snake, .....he DID punish the snake. He said he would have to crawl on his belly the rest of his days instead of walking upright like he did previously. Satans had it rough sdince then. He owns the world.................cept for the dubs cuz God owns them.

    There now......don't ya feel like a total ass?


  • shamus

    I feel the exact same way. God hates us.

    I don't hate God. I don't understand fully. When I die, I will find out if he's all just bullshit. Until then, I reserve my right to remain as critical as possible, and stay completely away from any organized religion.

    I will not apologize for god. He needs to explain things to you and to me first before we can judge him as evil or good. Until he clears up the air, I will never change my thought pattern here.

    We are no different than other peopole in the world. That is what we really need to understand here, and let god be. When I feel like criticizing, he had better be able to take it, because I don't follow blindly by faith anymore.

  • Satanus


    Using your illustration of the Hell's Angel, what you do if your daughter or daughters ran off with them willingly?

    That illustration would only work if adam and eve turned satan worshippers after that. There is no evidence of that. Instead, eve gave god credit for helping her give birth. There kids made sacrifices to god, not satan. I hope you don't have any kids.


    She's a zebra, not an ass, you donkey.


  • Narkissos
    Hope, faith and love. Which is the greatest?


  • gumby

    Putting all donkeys aside,

    I just want to say I believe something put life as we know it here. Whether it is a god, or a higher being, I don't know. Why there are viruses deadly to man, and why animals kill one another, is the other side of the spectrum as for this creator being protective to it's creation. I'm a poor confused bastard for sure.


  • bebu

    I have read that the only way evil can exist is if goodness existed first. That makes a lot of sense to me. Evil needs something extremely good to warp in order to really be bad. (The WT warped God pretty well, for ex.) Goodness can exist apart from evil, however. And it can overcome evil, even when evil seems to always get the upper hand. When I see people persevering in holding on to what the KNOW is right--despite what the GB now declares--and suffering a great deal on account of their integrity, I find great inspiration there, and I feel the confirmation again that evil will be overcome. I know that God is really at work, especially in the midst of suffering.

    God promises in the Bible that it will be done. It's faith on my part. But I've seen enough people's hearts change beautifully in my lifetime to have a pretty good measure of confidence.


  • gumby
    I know that God is really at work, especially in the midst of suffering.

    Hi Bebu,

    If I could know of a good, believable explanation of why god allows and permits suffering.....and it made justifiable sense to me,... then I would be a happier guy. I cannot see suffering allowed or tolerated by a loving god.......yet I see a loving god in all of lifes wonder and creations.............What the hecks a poor bastard to do?


  • bebu

    Hi Gumby,

    If I could know of a good, believable explanation of why god allows and permits suffering.....and it made justifiable sense to me,...

    Yeah, I know what you mean! Unfortunately, we don't get pat answers. In fact, I would be quite suspicious of a very pat answer. I've had a hard time avoiding pat answers. The truth is complex and multi-dimensional, and I, with a keyboard, am not a writing genius with enough confidence to really tackle it. Also, not everyone gets convinced by the same information, either. I would think that everyone who saw Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead would capitulate, but it only strengthened the resolve of the pharisees. Go figure.

    Sometimes I think the best answer is to look at particular people who suffer severely and not only overcome evil by doing good, but who go beyond our expectations and show joy and even deeper faith. How is that ever possible? It is like water running uphill. These are the people that intrigue me, and who inspire me. They are the ones who tell me clearly that God is good. It isn't canned, or some dry ivory tower theology.

    One thing I deeply recommend: simply pursue goodness as earnestly as you can. Find humility. Because, if God is good after all, then you will have helped make space in yourself for Him to show HImself. If you truly love goodness for goodness' sake (that is, because goodness is something so beautiful to you that heaven or hell aren't the motivators), the glass will finally begin to clear. (Loving goodness is certainly easier said than done, I've found. But... Seekers do find, I think!)

    'If the light within you is darkness,' says the Saviour, 'what a darkness that will be' (Matthew 6:23).


  • Purple

    I dunno about him hating mankind but he sure enough hates me and is out to make sure my life is as miserable as sin most of the time.

    Actually I seriously doubt now there is a God. I am beginning to think the bible was written by one or more people over time to control the society they ruled or cared for. The whole book is about those who stayed loyal and those who didn't and what happened to them. It tells us what we should do and shouldnt do and so on.

    What gets me is the innocent children that no nothing of the bible and good and bad etc who suffer and die horrible deaths because of this so called God and his so called justice whilst horrible a**holes run freely continuly hurting people and not paying for their crimes.

    There is no justice in this world, there is no fairness in this world. Why do some have so much and do nothing to deserve it, whilst others have nothing and have done nothing to deserve the circumstances in which they find themselves. There seems no order to the kaos that raigns supreme. Hell could not be worse than this life I am forced to suffer at the moment.

  • Narkissos

    Bebu: as much as I don't agree with your philosophy of "good" and "evil" (both seem to me as accounting for only a small part of reality, just as absolute black and white are rather rare colours in nature), I really treasure the (Q) saying you quoted relating "right/clear vision" with the "good/simple eye" (which, in Semitic languages, implies generosity, cf. Dt 15:9; Pr 22:9; 23:6; Mt 20:15; Mk 7:22) -- and also with "not judging" (Matthew 7:1ff // Luke 6:37f).

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