Biology Lesson for the gals

by Francois 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Roamingfeline
    But guys are guys for a variety of reasons, just as women are women. Our gender affects our behaviour. We are sentient creatures, so it shouldn't, for horny men or pre-menstural women, be carte-blanche for being a shit.

    I agree heartily with that statement, Abaddon. Good post.

    And where did I say that women should receive "a man's sympathy and compassion"? I didn't. Those are your words. I'm saying such a positive attitude should be extended to all by all.

    I much prefer receiving comment upon what I DID say, not what you say I said. With all due respect, Tina, it seems you have a rather large chip on your shoulder.

    And Tina, with all due respect, and not meaning to start anything, before I ever read the above words by Francoise, the exact same thought was running through my mind. I didn't get the same meaning from Francoise's post that you did, I believe. I didn't feel that he was being patronizing to women.

    I think Bill Clinton finally put to rest any question about men's hormones affecting job performance.

    Wasa, that was an excellent observation!


  • Yerusalyim

    Uhoh, Tina used the "F" word, shame on you.

    I like peanut butter, can you rollerskate?

  • AcapulcoGold

    pmf - thank god you're here - for a long time i thought i was the only one who had this bad wig figured as a loony tune.

    haven't seen you for a while thanks for showing up and speaking up.


    ps. next thing you know we'll all be accussed of being each other -guarantee it - even though the wig "promised" to leave this thread alone.

  • AlanF

    All the friendly sparring aside, I do think that dual-processor males have a certain advantage over women. Two heads are better than one, no?

    I wonder how Joey Buttafucco copes?


  • Francois

    Prisca & Wasa & all other positive responders, thanks for your remarks. I think you got the spirit of my remarks, which were intended to be positive and conciliatory and, well, loving even. Sort of a mirror of the thoughtful and very accurate post Wasasister wrote.

    I only intended to point out that guys are people too.

    And I certainly wasn't intending to create some kinda vitriolic firestorm. Some folk just seem to be spring-loaded on pissed off and can find or invent an issue with even the most well-intended sentiments. I guess they will just have to kiss my ass.

    For the normal-minded, however, thanks again.

    Joel, you really know how to introduce a great philosophical consideration. There must be a next step, or maybe I hope there's a next step, and I hope it's to become one click more spiritual and one click less material and to do so on a different planet, and with better, more immediate help than we've had here. Too many questions left unanswered. And with any luck whatsoever, we'll have a person to help us full-time, not a plethora of books!!!


  • LDH

    I think one of the problems here is accepting what Society's norm HAS been and how it's changing.

    For centuries, and maybe millenia, the all powerful white male has been the societal norm on which standards are based. Attitudes ranging from "the little lady" to "my old bag" have been acceptable references to women.

    True, men have hormones in their body as do women. The difference lies in that they do not fluctuate; at some level it is the man's responsibility to deal with his sex drive. You don't have a higher level of testosterone for one week of the month. (At a certain age, boys/young men will see something 'sexual' and 'spring to attention'.....acceptable for a 14-15 year old. At that stage they want to have sex with anything that moves. From that point forward, it is their responsibility to control their physical reaction.)

    The "norm" as it has been established does not make allowances for women, because it was established based on European adaptations of the Judeo-Christian faith. We almost NEVER hear complaints from men of the brown or yellow cultures (for lack of a better word). Luckily, these cultures are not as 'educated' as we are, [8v] and accept women's cycles as natural, not something to be made fodder for comedians.

    The biggest source for discrimination against a woman on her menstrual cycle is our old friend, The BIBLE which tells us how 'unclean' women are not only during their periods, but before and after that as well!

    edited for coding

  • LDH

    Sorry I forgot one thing. OBlossom asked about testoserone injections.

    You can get them from your gyn. Women do have testosterone in their bodies, and when the level drops off, so does their sexual drive. I used to work for a OBG practice and we had many women in their late 30's thru their 60's getting injections of testoserone. It will be covered by your medical insurance, as well.

    There are a few unwanted side effects if your doctor doesn't adjust your dosage according to weight. hair growth (same places just more) and sometimes a slight deepening of the voice.

    From the regularity these women displayed in getting their shots, I can tell you not only did it make life for their men WAY better, they felt like they were back to normal and able to enjoy sex, also.

    Hope this helps any woman who is experiencing a constantly low sex drive. Ask your doctor to measure your testosterone level.

  • pmf

    Hey acapulcogold,

    Thanks for the welcome. No, I haven't been around for a while ... only check in occasionally. Seems I'm persona non grata for stepping on the wrong toes ... ouch! Der Schutzstaffel have vays of making you NOT talk!


    One clarification: Camille Pagilia, though an intellectual lesbian -- does not describe herself as being a liberal. She chooses a more Libertarian definition (though she qualifies this with saying there should be a "safety net" for the poor and disabled). As a Socialist and a Humanist (I believe Paglia and I have the humanism in common) we differ a great deal. But I admire Paglia because she is such an original thinker, a little bit wack-o, and not intimidated by the political correctness of the academy.


  • joelbear


    Women have testosterone? Hmmm. I may have to rethink this whole thing.


    Thanks for the kind words. I don't see any evidence there is going to be a second change on another plane or another planet. What would be the purpose in starting the whole affair over again.

    I am a big fan of Asimov. You will see references to both his science books and his fiction books in my thoughts. My favorite books are The Foundation Series by Asimov where he leads us on a fictional jaunt into mankind's possible future using one set of logic.

    I don't think man will ever overcome the laws of physics that would enable us to start over in other galaxies. Could a godlike entity scoop us up and carry us there? I suppose so, but again, I would question the logic behind it.

    Take care


  • LDH

    Joel yes women have testosterone, and men have estrogen. Just different levels.

    'S okay. A lot of women don't know that either.


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