I want you to know

by kingschtno 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • drwtsn32
    "gentlesoul" made over the last year, under the alias "KGB"

  • Islandboy99

    Hi Gentlesoul,

    No offense, but your writing skills give you away... I am sorry that you will not post here anymore. Not because of a conscience problem, but beacause this forum (for me at least) really does offer some good information and emotional support. Good luck to you... I wish you the best.


  • avishai

    Gentlesoul couldnt handle criticism of his ideas. Believe or your an asshole was his point of view, IMO. Gentlesoul/kgb can kiss my ass. He can disagree and criticise that point of view all he wants, I promise not to get my panties in a twist that he disagrees. Unlike him.

  • LittleToe

    I think he (under his various guises) was tolerated pretty well, to be honest.
    That is especially so, given that we've all had a bellyful of being preached at, and have little time for someone who ignorantly stomps all over the feelings of recovering ex-cult members.

    Every blessing.

  • xjw_b12

    I want you to know....Your post so moved me, that I too am going to go back to the KH, and I'm phoning Big Tex right now, to scold him for this atrocity.

    Thank you Kingshit

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Yanno....I WAS gonna post a reply to this thread, but decided to just "blow it off" as yet another self-righteous rant from the above, poorly-disguised poster of this and various other self-righteous threads posted, who's having a never-ending "pity party"...

    Frannie B (of the "Call's 'em as I see 'em Class")

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    I am a friend of Gentlesoul

    One might even say a twin. But then gentlesoul was an identical twin of KGB, maybe that makes you a triplet.

    Then to top it all off one of your moderators BIG TEX removed him so he could not even respond to his thread.

    Well if you really want to know the truth, I deactivated your gentlesoul account because I was tired of you bombarding me with hate PMs. I didn't even bother opening the last one, as you've made your feelings well known to me. You said you were leaving, so I decided it was time for you to live up, at least once, to your word. In your KGB account, you said you were leaving and never coming back.

    If you're going to go -- then go. If you want to stay, then all anyone asks is that you observe some basic rules of common courtesy. This board's rules are flexible, but the one thing that will get edited are personal attacks. For example, in your last post under the gentlesoul account, you angrily told the board to (and I quote) "F##K off". I deleted what you obviously meant, not because you so cleverly hid the true word but because it was, in my opinion, an attack on a personal level.

    I used to explain my actions to people, as I've always tried to treat people the way I would want. I always thought it was fair, but I've kind of stopped doing that after dealing with you. Dude, I don't know if you know it, but you've got serious anger issues. Now with this thread, you're showing some fairly creepy narcissistic manipulative tendencies.

    Howver, this board does not allow posters to maintain more than one account. Since your gentlesoul account has been deactivated, would you rather keep the KGB account or this one? Please let one of the other moderators know, as I don't want to do anything to appear biased in this issue. As I mentioned before, you're welcome to post here, but please follow this board's guidelines.

    Or even better, treat your fellow poster as you would like to be treated and everything else will take care of itself.


  • Sentinel

    Did you and your friend expect to find "another replacement paradise here--did you expect to find "perfect people here"? I'm just wondering, because in the realm of human creation, there are all types of personalities, going through all sorts of phases in their life.

    Some people here are fragile and they are being treated unfairly in life; if they feel someone who doesn't truly understand, is continuing to label and speak unfairly and criticize, they are probably going to have a come-back.

    I think I was naive when I first came here as well--a year and a half ago; I got my feelings hurt. But, hey I got over it. Being overly sensitive can be a problem. There are many with tender hearts here, many who feel as if life has cheated them from youth--well many things. Some are rebelling and I see that so much. There is such a wealth of opportunity to see all levels here and to get a well-rounded view of the reality of being on "the outside" of dogma, whatever religious choice was part of you past, or perhaps your lingering "present".

    We truly don't adhere to "attacking" posters. I know there are some here that do, but they can easily be ignored. If they become a problem, Simon removes them. Best thing to do is not respond to them. I hope you and your friend will consider facing reality a bit more and stay around. It sounds like you are both hurting. I know you have judged us wrong, but that is your option, of course.

    Whatever we can do to show love and compassion to fellow creatures is the basic truth and purpose of life. You must learn to look for the good and let the rest go. You are welcome to be a part of that process here.


  • shera
  • freelife

    Hey who ever you are, there was a post by GS a couple of weeks ago about casting your pearls before swine. I responded to you that many of us have a hard time copeing with religous things in our lives but that doen't mean that we don't neccesarily appreciate some spirtiual things. I read many of the religous topics on here but i don't comment on them because of my own confusion with religon. but I was i thought very respectful to GS when i posted. But GS needs to understand that many don't give a rats ass about religon because they are so scarred. They don't want their lives to be controlled by anything or anyone who pushes his own Religous ideals on them. What do you think will happen when you try to force religon down former cultists throats. Smooth move Ya brought this on yourself GS.

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