Non JW parent dating a JW who wants children

by M0m3 52 Replies latest members private

  • NotFormer

    M0m3, glad to hear from you again! 😊

    Sorry that things aren't working out as rosily as you might have hoped, but it was probably never going to work. If he wants kids, he would be better off searching within the organisation for someone who wants to have kids. Although that seems very harsh and tone deaf to phrase it like that; there were obviously mutual feelings involved. 😿

  • bbqbob

    I wouldn't take him seriously, he is already disobeying a direct command from the scriptures wanting to marry an unbeliever. If he compromises on such a clear command, he will compromise with the holidays. No reason for you to hesitate unless you are worried he will compromise on other Bible commands such as committing adulatory.

    Hope that sets your mind at ease.

  • GLTirebiter

    JW to non JW marriages have built in conflicts, which too often lead to divorce. As the JW husband, he will be expected to act as the Spiritual Head of the Household and to run his household according to JW standards: meetings, assemblies, no holidays, no birthdays, only socializing with "good associations" (meaning JWs in good standing), children carry the "No Blood" cards, etc. Are you prepared to live that way for the rest of your life? If not, can you in good conscience make the marriage vows with him?

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