Non JW parent dating a JW who wants children

by M0m3 52 Replies latest members private

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    JW’s are a Satanic cult. While JW’s don’t physically abort their children, this is what inevitably happens to many of them when they get old enough to question the false prophecies, failed predictions and impossible unbiblical rules.

    They are aborted by the time they turn 18 or so.

    It happened to me and millions of others around the globe. You need to think about the long term consequences of your choices.

    If you marry him, you are marring into a cult, same as marrying into a mafia family.

    Start questioning his beliefs and see how long he sticks around. He may feel required to divorce you and “rescue” your future children out of something they call “extreme spiritual endangerment”…. Which is nothing more than questioning the Watchtower.

    Dating a JW is the ultimate ”fool around and find out scenario”.

    Do your research.

    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

  • Foolednomore

    You think you're having problems now just wait till you're married. The Jw's come before family. Find A guy who is not a Jw! Your better off. No future headaches.

  • NotFormer

    "He says he would take our child to do special things on those days..."

    How nice of him! He has no right to deprive you of your right to share holidays and birthdays with your shared child. Those "special things" will include him taking the child to his JW relatives and friends and indoctrinating the child not just against the holidays, but against you.

    Tell that wanker to @#$& off, and find someone more worthy of being your husband.

  • M0m3

    Wow! I did not expect to get so many responses so quickly! Thank you all for your feedback and being real with me. I appreciate it (:

    Although, I would like to shed light on a couple assumptions here..

    1) I HAVE met his entire family and they all love me and they are well aware that I am not JW. They still accept me and ultimately want their son to be happy. They are all amazing people and I don't think my boyfriend is an untrustworthy man by any means. He was raised JW so that is all he knows. I also know that he is struggling to find his way in the religion because it is a lot of pressure and he feels like he has to be perfect.

    2) My partner and I have DEFINITELY discussed these things and it's a topic we are both aware of. We are both undecided on which way we want to handle things if we share a future together. This is NOT the first time I've brought this up, I just figured some advice from an outside source would help give me some tips and pointers which I definitely needed so thank you ! (:

    3) He does not expect me to conform but the fact that he expects our future child to conform is troubling and that is the main concern.

    Once again, I really appreciate everyone's feedback. I'm very new to this thing and wasn't sure if I could respond individually with people so I just tried my best to respond outwardly to the thread.

  • Ding

    The organization always comes first -- before spouse, children, careers, anything...

  • M0m3

    I am starting to see that..

    I think the only thing that would work is if we didn't have a child together and HE was the one who wasn't included in holidays. Ultimately I would love my partner to be a part of those times but I'm already used to the fact that that's how it already is now and I'm willing to make that sacrifice. But yeah, once I bring our future child into things, that's a whole new ball game.

  • Acluetofindtheuser
    He's going to convert you in the end. I've seen it happen a number of times. They look outside the religion because there's no suitable marriage mate within the org. His family is going to work on you 24/7 to make you an Uber witness.
  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze
    Ultimately I would love my partner to be a part of those times but I'm already used to the fact that that's how it already is now and I'm willing to make that sacrifice.

    You say that now. But just wait if you ever try to critisize the Watchtower. Might not be so harmless after that.

  • Ding

    With all due respect, you have no idea how bad it can get.

    The organization controls every aspect of JWs' lives, and I mean EVERY aspect.

  • NotFormer

    Please don't fall for the "it'll never happen to me" internal voice. So many people have fallen for the lie by JWs that they will respect the autonomy of their future spouse. JW literature actually says that it is okay for JWs to lie to people outside the faith. Any promises and assurances from them now are only so much hot air. Once you are married, all bets are off and you and any future children belong to him. Not to mention your current child; do you really think they will be ignored and allowed freedom?

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