Were Most Of The Elders "On The Ball" In Your Congregation?

by minimus 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • dustyb

    most of the elders i've dealt with are old guys with grudges because my g/f is one of the hotter girls in the congregation and they're pissed off about it. its whatever they want to think, if they do things from the bible, its out of corinthians, or else they'll twist the scriptures to show that i'm a fockup.....stupd bastards

  • nobody told me
    nobody told me

    There were 4 elders when I left. Thet were really a sharp bunch. Their names were, sleepy, grumpy, dopey, and lazy.

  • Undecided

    It's been so long since I was there as the PO,I can't remember who the elders were, if they were named that back in the early 70s. I did a good job of forgetting all that crap. I tend to remember only the good times and forget the bad, it makes life more enjoyable. We very seldom had committee meetings, I can remember only two. I have no idea how I would have been judged by the congregation.

    Ken P.

  • scrubmaster

    It is the same rule as every where 20% of the people do 80% of the work. It is the same with the elders. I have given information to elders about things and waited months before I went to see if anything had been done and not a thing had been done with the information I had presented to them. I believe a lot of Brothers do not know what it means to be a good elder especially in the context of the bible and following the example of Jesus Christ. I have no problems with older elders keeping their positions, but serious matters should not be hande by them. Also here is the other challenge for the Society, when I was talking to a CO he said must brothers may age "37" are not reaching out, of course I wonder if they bother to talk to these brothers to find out why(I know they do not.) I know I could never be an elder because I could not try to convence people to follow principles which can not be back up by scriptures. Therefore a lot of the elders are older.

  • xjw_b12

    Well after reading the "scandal" thread I'd have to say there were a lot of elders, and MSs who were "on the ball", or at least just balling. LOL

  • Insomniac

    We had one who was really cool, one of the smartest guys I've ever met. His wife was similar to him, but very outspoken and brash. Then they were gone. Turned out, they both turned APOSTATE! I've looked for them in the phone book, but I guess they've moved away.

    The others were all putzes, though. The best is the one who talks all the time about Nazis, and pronounces it nazzies. Then there's the one who, if you call his house for whatever reason, his wife (a sister) will scream at you to "Get your own man and leave mine alone!!" Oh, and the one that got mouthy with my mom and tried to intimidate her by looming over her wheelchair and glaring at her. Schmuck.

  • minimus

    A lot of elders and their wives are "peculiar".

  • Carmel

    Well when I was a dubbie we didn't have "elders" so the question doesn't apply to me, but I can tell you even as a early teen ager I could out-wit any and all of the "appointed" (congregation servant, circuit servant, et al). Normally that would be saying something, but in this case, very little.


  • minimus

    .....nothin' worse than a brother or sister that's smarter than you.

  • Flowerpetal

    The elders at my congregation are pretty OK. One has two adult children who never got baptized and one of them is gay. Two elders have d/f'd adult sons and one of them has an adult d/f'd step-daughter but they bring her daughter because she so far, likes learning and giving talks. One elder served in Bethel a long time ago, and now has a 20 yr. old son there, along with a daughter and her husband. This elder is a great teacher and asks a lot of thought provoking questions when he conducts the WT study which isn't very often....another elder did have a daughter who was publically reproved, but now she is a pioneer...another elder has no children and his wife is a regular pioneer--but they are pretty cool, and the last elder has only one child who is in middle school and it will be interesting to see how he turns out. This elder I don't think has an original, spiritual thought of his own when he gives talks--and his wife isn't much better. But ask them all about the books they have read from Star Wars (which talk about Princess Leia and Hans Solo getting married and having children) or Disneyworld--and you have walking/talking encylcopedias!!

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