Society to become only ISP for Witnesses?

by dannyboy 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • dannyboy

    January 4, 2004


    Dear Brothers,

    Seemingly overnight, the use and abuse of the Internet (or ?net? for short) has become a fact of life today for many in the developed world, and even in less developed areas. Many claim to really benefit from the wealth of information available, along with the Internet?s capabilities for electronic mail or ?email? for short. Large amounts of information, including pictures can be sent great distances at very minimal cost, adding to the attraction of the Internet for some users.

    For many years the Society has published warnings about the dangers of the Internet. Both in print and through upbuilding talks at conventions and by traveling overseers, Jehovah?s people have been alerted to the pitfalls of this most modern means of communication and information. Sadly, some loyal servants of Jehovah have become corrupted in their thinking and have been led to apostasy, even to the point of trying to subvert others, based on what they foolishly read and believed from the net.

    The Society has always been in the forefront of using new technologies. For example, Jehovah?s Witnesses were among the first to use portable, self-contained record players, utilizing them to spread the Kingdom message from door to door. The Society?s radio station, WBBR was used for many years also in Kingdom Service. But a question that many have been asking is this: ?Is there not some way that God?s servants can utilize the advantages of the net, without succumbing to the drawbacks, or being drawn into God-displeasing thinking??

    Happily, the answer to this question is Yes. The Society is pleased to announce that, beginning in September 2004, the Society will become a fully-functional ISP (Internet Service Provider), under the appropriate name Complete setup details will be provided to the elders in due time, but we are excited to share with you some of the faith-strengthening advantages this arrangement will provide, provided below in question-and-answer format.

    Q: How will be different than the ISP I?m currently using?

    A: The main difference new users will notice is that only the Society?s domains will be accessible ( for example). This will keep everyone free from the influence of evil apostates.

    Q: With my present provider, I visit more websites than merely those provided by the Society. What will the advantages of be?

    A: Experience has shown that unlimited Internet access is resulting in many brothers and sisters leaving the organization. Since will only connect with the Society?s websites, there will be no danger to anyone of reading anything on-line except what ?food? has been approved for consumption by the Governing Body.

    Q: What about Email?

    A: Upon completing a written application and oral testing before the elders, you will be issued a user name and password.

    Q: Can I change my Email password?

    A: No provisions have been made for this, since the elders will need to be able to access your private messages to insure all are complying with the guidelines for this marvelous provision.

    Q: Can I keep my present ISP?

    A: We believe the advantages and benefits of are such that everyone will want to take advantage of it. It seems best to begin this adjustment as soon as the access numbers are available in your area. Elders, Ministerial Servants, and Pioneers will be given 6 months to sign on for and to drop their present ISP. It is hoped that those setting the lead in the congregation will encourage others to follow their course. We are confident that loyal Christians will want to demonstrate their solidarity with others in the faith by adopting exclusively, so an additional six month period will be allowed for all in the congregation to sign up for and to drop their present ISP.

    Q: How will affect shepherding calls?

    A: Beginning in January, 2005 when shepherding calls are made, the elders will want to check on what ISP each member of the congregation is using. They will be asked to check on the bookmarks or ?favorites? that are found in that brother?s browser. Additional notes will be made, based on other factors, such as websites previously visited, as disclosed by the ?History? window.

    Q: How helpful to my everyday life will be?

    A: All that God-fearing Christians need on the net will be provided. A search engine will be included that will help the user, by asking for explanations as to why information on the search term is needed. In due time, the Society?s websites will include areas focusing on many needs, including those of the family. Examples are Employment Opportunities Listing (Janitorial/Landscaping/Carpet Cleaning); a handy Organizer website (keeping track of changing doctrine); and a fulfilling area called ?Let the Elders Know?, where users can enter why they weren?t at the meeting, suspicions about other congregation members, or for general confession, including gross sins*

    We are confident that all will want to fully take advantage of this wonderful provision. Please be assured of our love, care, and strong interest in everything you do.

    * Confessing gross sins will require a Judicial Committee

    NOTE: The Presiding Overseer should see that this letter is read to the Congregation at the first Service Meeting and then posted on the Congregation?s Information Board.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Would you care to elaborate on that?


  • dannyboy

    Well, trying to cut and paste and it ain't working, not sure what I'm doing wrong......


    Edited to add: Well I finally got it uploaded.

  • Satanus

    Right click doesn't work. Your browser should have an edit button on top. Clicking on that should drop down a paste command.


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Hehhehe DB.... I finally saw it and am fixin to read it! Sorry for jumpin on ya so fast, but was anxious to read it. There's so few people up at this hour posting. Heh.


  • dh

    what a nightmare


  • avishai

    This has GOT to be a joke, right?

  • dh

    okay i read that more than once and you got me, it has to be a practical joke, there is no way that this can be true.


  • shamus

    This has to be a joke. If it isn't, I'll freak.

    Sounds about what the society would like to do, though. They would love it!

  • wednesday


    I know it is late in the states, but

    it's a joke


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