OKAYYY the Croc Hunter went to freaking far this time!!!!

by Xandria 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • shamus

    I'm a crockodile hunter, look at me!

    I'm an ass!

    I can play with my babay in a crock's dining room, you wankers!

    Next, I'll douse him in petty and let him pley woth matches, for somethin' more extreeem!

  • evilpiaget

    This guy is a wank. The only wish I have is that a big gator bites this guys meat rod off before he infects the world more with his sorry progeny.

  • Angharad

    What an idiot.

    You hear of kids being savaged by pet dogs who have always been friendly up till that point. It shows that you can never fully trust a even dog with a child, I know I dont. So to take a kid into a croc pen an say you were perfectly safe and in control is utter madness,.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Political correctness will go mad again no doubt.

    C'mon folks, your own kids have got more chance of getting hit by a swing in a playground.

    If you wrap everyone in cotton wool nobody will have any fun.

  • Angharad
    your own kids have got more chance of getting hit by a swing in a playground

    Well getting hit by a swing will most likely just give them a nasty bump, they wont have half their leg bitten off !

  • Englishman



  • Maverick

    My concern is the child thinking the crock is a big pet that he can just go visit anytime he wants. Hope Steve never lets that kid out of his sight! Anyone with children know that once they learn to walk, they can be two blocks away in seconds! Maverick

  • smack

    Don't the majority of people have carnevors as pets? How many kids end up in hospital after the family dog decides it has

    had enough fun. Irwin's kid was not in danger, sure Steve is a bit over the top, but stupid he isn't. Anyhow* due to public

    outrage he has apologised and won't do it again. Maybe he'll move to the states and give his kid a gun at age 2.


    Sensible Tasmanian Overbeer

  • Special K
    Special K

    Michael Jackson's incident of holding his baby out of the balcony for a second..can't even come close to being stupid... like this one can.

    Good to hear Family Services checked in to see it won't happen again.

    We all do stupid things sometimes....from the IMMEDIATE public response I don't this guy will do this again.

    This was such a DUMB thing to do. ..

    It sure outraged me...

    special K

  • morrisamb

    Special K, the first thing I thought of was the Michael Jackson incident...I am horrified by both! I find it interesting that because the Croc Hunter is less weird and more likable, there is a different tone to the condemnation.

    With Michael, it was "this proves he is irresponsible...a child abuser...blah blah blah"

    With Crok Hunter, it's more "a dumb ass mistake by a great guy"

    I know there are a lot of people who disagree with me, but I think the real molesters and child abusers of the world don't perform for media cameras. All the time, money and man power that goes into proving Jackson is a molester could be better used on the scores of other abusers out there. I mean, really, did they need 60 men to search his ranch?

    When my father was arrested (and he is a strong, tall man), there was no fricken field of cops.

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