20,000 Die While "GOD" Watches as he sips Iced Tea

by JT 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge


    But it's only a third world country, so nobody cares. I think that's why people hate the U.S. and north america so much.

    U.S. to Help Iran Earthquake Victims

    WASHINGTON (AP)--Despite political differences, the Bush administration is pledging all-out help to the Iranian people after last week's devastating earthquake.

    Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage gave assurances of assistance Saturday by telephone to Javad Zarif, Iran's ambassador to the United Nations, who was in Tehran.

    Armitage said the earthquake was a humanitarian tragedy that transcended political consideration and called for the support of the United States, State Department spokesman Adam Ereli said Monday.

    Zarif called Armitage back a few minutes later to accept the offer, Ereli said.

    The United States and Iran have not had diplomatic relations since radical Islamists overran the U.S. Embassy in Tehran in 1979, took Americans hostage and held them until January 1981.

    According to the Pentagon, eight Air Force C-130 cargo planes have flown into Iran with a total of 150,000 pounds of relief supplies, including blankets, medical supplies and water.

    An Air Force C-5A cargo plane from Dover Air Force Base, Del., flew a seven-member U.S. Agency for International Development disaster relief team and 77 technical and medical specialists, including an 11-member search-and-rescue team, to Kuwait, where they took another flight to Bam, site of the earthquake.

    ``We stand ready to continue our assistance and to respond to the needs of the victims of this tragedy as appropriate and as requested,'' Ereli said.

    AP-NY-12-29-03 1508EST


    Seven006: with regards to U2K, I hear 'crickets'.

    If it were he/she faced with an ominous earthquake or other calamity, I wonder how they'd react, all self-righteous and all.

    Sad disposition.

    Right now, my concern is for those folks in Iran, or any other part of the world in need.

    Focus on doing the benevolent act, rather than the armchair fundie judgement: you pick.

    [X] contribute to a benevolent act (help those in need).

    [ ] sit back, quote endless scriptures while innocent people perish.

    Hey folks, no grey area here, it's one or the other.

    It's god's way or else!!!

  • imallgrowedup

    Double Edge -

    This is great news, indeed! I love it when our country does nice things for other nations - especially when other nations accuse us of being selfish and greedy.

    Any bets on how long it will take for someone to bash Bush for offering aid...?



    Allgrowedup, I was just about to make an ammendment, but what the heck, I'll make another post.

    First off, I don't think it would require a nation's president to be the torch bearer for the cause.

    Honestly, I truly believe, most Americans, care about people.

    Screw politics for a moment, I know for a fact, that most Americans can be and are benevolent, and will help out when necessary.

    But that being said, many nations are on course to help our fellow Iranians (after all, they're citizens of this planet), by supplying the folks there with the most dire of required items: food, clothes, water, and warmth.

    This is an international combined effort. USA, Canada, and a multitude of other nations ready willing and able to assist those in dire need.

    I would do it, for an American, an Iranian, a Canadian (my fellow citizen) or any nationality in need.

    That's the way we should be as a race of human beings, IMHO.

    Thanks to those who care, and are doing whatever they can to help out those in need: whether near or far away.

  • imallgrowedup

    Razor -

    I agree with you - it should be an international effort. But with all due respect, I guarantee you that there will be naysayers - either from other nations, or from our own citizens - most likely those in the minority party who will probably whine about Bush capitalizing on an international disaster for political gain. It happened when we captured Saddam, and it will happen with this, too. My point is that no matter what we do that is good and humane, someone finds fault with it. And as one of the American citizens that you speak about who honestly cares about other people and other nations, I'm just tired of it.

    24 hours from now let's have this conversation again. And if I am wrong, I will admit it in big, bold red letters.


  • Greenpalmtreestillmine

    Jesus did not say that before his return his Father would prevent earthquakes, floods etc.

    Just as Ecclesiastes 9:11,12 states so it continues today:

    "Again I saw that under the sun the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, not riches to the intelligent, nor favor to the skillful; but time and chance happen to them all. For no one can anticipate the time of disaster. Like fish taken in a cruel net, and like birds caught in a snare, so mortals are snared at a time of calamity, when it suddenly falls upon them."

    We are each subject to the possibility of sudden death everyday of our lives.


  • JT
    so once you get a better understanding of the truth and reality and GOD and The world and this life, you would not question GOD's actions, you will learn his ways and tarry till the day of armageddon

    cool- sound good to me :)

  • JT
    Yesterday's Child,

    How about how nobody has really commented on the horrible things going on in Iran right now? 30,000 people dead is a disaster!

    But it's only a third world country, so nobody cares. I think that's why people hate the U.S. and north america so much.

    excellent point- I KNOW I AM GUILTY OF THIS AS WELL- i guess it kinda goes hand and hand with the words of Jesus, YOU WILL ALWAYS HAVE THE POOR and when the "Lowest people" on the "INTEREST" SCALE DIE sad to say it does not show up in the interest of the world in general as one poster used to say THE GOLDEN RULE HE WHO OWNS THE GOLD RULES AND THE facts are the "WEST" rules = for better or worse, JUST A FACT- and as a result the media they control determine what will be of interest and not, we will see very few "personal lives stories" it is much like what we did in wt, we saw all religions as just one big glob of FALSE RELIGION it has been stated that as long as humans DON'T HAVE A FACE TO RELATE TO the easy it is to dimissed for example this past sunday the washington post showed all folks killed in Iraq and my wife and i commented how it was ONLY THEN did it hit us that someones dad, father momma, son, etc was killed at night on the news we merely here 3 SOLDIERS WERE KILLED and we go back to watching BET or MTV videos- but put a face and a name and family relationships and it takes on a more personal touch i really don't knowwhat we can do, i would love to see that each person got the same treatment when a love one is lose, but sad to say that will probably never happen but excellent point made in this poster comments

  • JT
    Earthquakes are cause by either satan or the world's unrighteousness or unrighteous ways or the world's condition. again once you get a better understanding of the word of GOD and "This LIfe" , earthquakes should not bother you. Enjoy them and follow in the right path of life and GOD would protect you. Fact is Good people get hurt or even die, but it should not bother you cause just as Job said "GOD IS PERFECT IN ALL HIS WAYS" and you should'nt question GOD's actions

    i can't speak for the rest of you all, but this is my kind of POSTER- SMILE

  • seven006


    He's a good kid (I think), I just PM'ed him in an attempt to ejakate him on the vast amount of smart people posting here. Haven't heard back yet.

    JT, You have always been, and will always be, one of my favorite people on this board. If the kid sends back a nasty response to my PM, I say we give him a swirly.

    Take care pal,


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