20,000 Die While "GOD" Watches as he sips Iced Tea

by JT 57 Replies latest jw friends


    Hey U2K:

    but people can cause their own destruction

    An earthquake? how can people cause their own destruction in this instance?

    Thanks for reading.

  • avengers

    All these deaths prove one thing!!!

    Jehovah, Allah, Satan, Jesus, Shiva, Buddha, and all the other Almighty Gods are all with the undertaker;
    He's the one cashing in. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

    Actally it's very sad.


    (but don't forget!! God is love)

  • Kenneson


    "All these deaths prove one thing."

    If there are no almighty gods, then none of them caused these deaths. So who is to blame? Who sided with the undertaker? Gods or not, reality is that 20,000 people still died. Reality is that you and I will also one day die. Can I accept reality? I don't want to, but does that change anything? It's hard to make peace with reality, I don't care if its consistent with millions of years of our history. Can somebody please make death go away? No one. I didn't think so.

  • Yesterdays Child
    Yesterdays Child

    How about this ; plates in the earth shift releases great amount of pressure. One in california one in Iran. One in the daytime one at night. One with houses able to take it one in a third world country with homes made of sand. One sparsly populated one with 80,000 people. end result more that 30000 people dead. The earth a living changing planet.

  • shamus

    Yesterday's Child,

    How about how nobody has really commented on the horrible things going on in Iran right now? 30,000 people dead is a disaster!

    But it's only a third world country, so nobody cares. I think that's why people hate the U.S. and north america so much.

  • Undecided

    I think i figured it out. I was walking up my sidewalk to the house and saw a worm and just steped on it and kept walking. Maybe we are just like a bunch of worms or ants or something to God. He is occupied in other things and we are so insignificant that it doesn't matter to him what happens. He doesn't need our worship to be happy, just as we don't need the worship of insects and could care less whether it dies or not. I haven't seen any evidence to prove otherwise, if you have I would like to see it.

    Ken P.

  • U.2.K. Tha Greate$t
    U.2.K. Tha Greate$t

    Earthquakes are cause by either satan or the world's unrighteousness or unrighteous ways or the world's condition. again once you get a better understanding of the word of GOD and "This LIfe" , earthquakes should not bother you. Enjoy them and follow in the right path of life and GOD would protect you. Fact is Good people get hurt or even die, but it should not bother you cause just as Job said "GOD IS PERFECT IN ALL HIS WAYS" and you should'nt question GOD's actions.

    Reading is good!

  • imallgrowedup

    Deep thoughts ... by growedup with too much time on her hands ...

    If Muslims teach that this life is but a shabby existence in comparison to the next one, why couldn't they explain that Allah loved them so much, that he wanted them to come home to a better existence, and while he's at it, throw a huge tea party with 30,000 attendees!? This way, it is only a disaster in the eyes of men, but not in the eyes of Allah.

  • seven006


    Iv been in a couple of earthquakes, They didn't bother me at all. I didn't die or get hurt nor did anybody else I knew. I do have to ask you something you might want to think about. What if your girlfriend was in an earthquake and died? Would earth quakes not bother you then? Would you blindly accept it as an act from Satan, shrug your shoulders and calmly move on to mowing your next clients lawn?

    Would you feel Satan had the right to kill her because he owns this nasty old world and it was OK for god to let her die because she is a worthless no good stupid human being not worthy of his intervention? Do you love her so little that watching her die in an earthquake is as unimportant of an event as watching a new commercial during the super bowl? Is her life so unimportant to you that you can so easily write her off as collateral damage in the little war between god and Satan? Does she know she is marrying a guy that couldn't care less if a house fell on her?

    If god let your girlfriend die in an earthquake because a wall fell on her head and squished her brains out all over the sidewalk but let me live and I do not believe in him, would you still feel he is perfect in all his ways?

    I really want to hear your answer on this one.


  • Yesterdays Child
    Yesterdays Child

    Earthquakes are natural disasters just like hurricanes tornadoes floods and such. For one to assume that God, Allah Jehovah or anything else is to blame should hurry back to the mind control games of there freed past.

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