I Am a Christian

by Greenpalmtreestillmine 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • seven006


    Below is a cut and paste from the, "in question" post I made to you. I will highlight in red my remarks that apply to your last post to me.

    <<<Give it another shot without trying to preach or persuade but only to inform and I don't think you will get the response you did. I am not saying you tried to preach but given the amount of god products that some have tried to sell here you might understand the quick draw with the six shooters.>>>

    I'm sure you are a real sweetheart and I welcome you to the board. Now if you can't see by this cut and paste in this post from the other post, or go back to the original thread to read the original post, that I did not personally degrade you then I don't know what else to say.

    Just keep in mind that if Xenas thinks I'm picking on nice new Christian women posters here, she will kick my agnostic ass clear across the entire state of Texas. That's why I live in Oregon and Xena lives in Texas. If Xena moves closer to the west coast, I'm moving to Africa.

    Please Sabrina, recognize what I originally said and acknowledge it. My ass is in your hands cuz Xena scares the hell out of me.

    Take care,


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    My ass is in your hands

    Must ... resist ... urge ... to ... mimic ... SixofNine

  • larc

    Sabrina and Big Tex, I am an agnostic. However, I would never try to convince you to change your beliefs. I find your sincerety and heart-felt faith to be very refreshing and inspiring. I wish you and others of your understanding, the very best.

  • seven006

    Thanks Chris buddy,

    you stick up for JT but not me. What a pal! You like JT more than me don't you? Or is it because Xena lives close to you and you know she hates me and will kick your ass all over the state of Texas if you defend me? If that's true I completely understand and will not feel the slightest animosity toward you if you call me a nasty name. Xena scares the hell out of you too, doesn't she?

    I see she has a new photo in her avatar, kind'a looks a little like Boy George doesn't it? Wait....I gotts ta go, I think I hear my mommy calling.


  • gentlesoul

    I too have been degraded for being a Christian and almost made to feel as if I were stupid or having a lack of intelligence because I believe in the bible. I do not understand why the bitterness and that those who choose not to believe feel they should be respected but yet cannot give the same respect in return. They degrade those who choose to keep their faith and are blind the thier coldness as if they do nothing wrong. I know we are all human and none of us are perfect but I also know that it hurts deep when someone makes you feel like you have a lack of intelligence just because you choose to love your God as I do. I think that for some when they left the borg they left with a anger deep inside an anger that should be only towards those who lied to them rather than towards those who still love the Lord.

    Satan is the controller of all evil as well as the root of all hate, as a Christian you should know this. And for those who read this I really don't care if you want to reply with your bitterness as I know you will, but then I guess it just proves what I am saying. Sabrina don't worry what these who hate God think about you or what you believe, just know full well that as long as you continue to love the Lord he will in return love you and give you your rightful place in Heaven. Gods peace be unto you.....

  • jst2laws


    You are certainly welcome here. I'm proud of several people who have here assured you of the same thing.

    You have many friends here who share your beliefs. But I hope you are able to accept the comments of others without having it upset you. Chris had some good thoughts in that regard. And Billygoat has been here a long time, is an example of love and balanced comments, has stood up to some of the most harsh atheists who no longer post here and she is very much like you in your faith. This is what she said just a few days ago:

    It is a time for ME to celebrate the birth of my friend Jesus Christ. He has been such a blessing to my life. Without Him, I would literally be dead. He's pulled me through so much.


    Knowing this wonderful person I'm sure she means what she said above. How dangerous is would be to destroy someones belief because we feel sure it is foolish.

    Below is a thread I started expressing how I feel about the value of the basic message about Jesus.


    Please do not get discouraged. There is a great variety of beliefs here and we hope no one feels like their feelings or their beliefs are not welcome.


  • asleif_dufansdottir


    You will hear me call out people who claim to be "Christian" and proceed to tell everybody else they're wrong and will be destroyed or go to hell unless they do exactly what the poster says.

    What you will never hear me do, is attack people who actually behave in a Christian manner (whether they are Christians or not).

    A person who posts because they are moved to out of love, is very easy to see. So is a person who posts because they are moved by arrogance and self-righteousness.

    There are several people of faith here who I respect (and, mind you, my respect is not such a piece of cake to earn). Even though I'm not Christian, I don't dislike people of faith, even if sometimes they get caught in the outside edges of my distaste for some of the reprehensible things that some people have done in the name of that religion. I apologize for that. Sometimes when I make a rather unpleasant remark, I forget that there are good people of faith 'listening in,' so to speak, and might hurt them without realizing it.

    Please don't feel unwelcome.


  • gumby

    Well I guess it's time for the real brain of the board to finally speak and straighten this mess out

    Heres my take on why many get a little peeved at the christian message.

    When we left dubdom.....we were made to feel by family, friends, and basically our entire congregation, that we were now worthless. We were going to die at Jehovahs hands because we left him and his Organisation. We got hurt really bad from this.

    Many in their journey out got a bad taste for god in their mouth from it. Others pursued Christianity only to come to believe it was no different than dubdom......and they got mad at god all over again.

    Then....we find a forum in which like minded ones come to, who have been treated the same as us. Some of these poster come to share what they have found in their eyes to be true and post accordingly. They offer tranquility and answers through Jesus to all those hurting.

    All those hurting who have been down the christian path and didn't see eye to eye with it .....feel like somebody is doing to them what the witnesses did

    to them......they are offering a hope again. "Just believe and trust in Jesus and you can live forever and not burn in hell. If you don't believe in Jesus....you are going to die". Well.......how do you think an ex-dub feels who hears this again? It's hard NOT to say something sometimes.....trust me.

    Christians say...."oh....I don't judge others.......the lord does the judging" No....you just quote his words that says exactly the same thing.....only he said it, not you.That makes us all feel a lot better.

    Do you see the point? Regardless of how nice and how sweet you try to put your message across.....it's always the same....."believe in Jesus or burn forever". You cannot be a bible christian and escape that message. I realise that is something many on this forum have to deal with without getting to pissed.....but it's hard.


    Oh...and one more thing........Daves a bastard and he's afraid of girls

  • ozziepost

    G'day Sabrina,

    I'm sorry I missed what you're referring to but I'm sure glad it's been responded to and my worthy colleagues have assured you of the "Welcome Mat".

    May I offer a suggestion? I noted your comment:

    I have no one but you people

    You need to do something about that! Get out more. Look for a group that shares your convictions. Fellowship with them. It'll do you a power of good. Then you'll be able to more easily withstand the "slings and arrows".

    God bless.


  • seven006


    You might want to mention that you got a strong response to your post because of your "pearls before the swine" comment. I'm sure you just forgot that little statement that resulted in all the unbeleivers jumping on your innocent back

    We are not here to eat Christians, that's illegal. But, when a Christian comes her and presents their belief as the one and only true way to believe they are going to get a strong reaction.

    I think the biggest wars on this board have been from Christians fighting with other Christians on which one is the more "true" Christian then there has been from atheist and agnostics changeling their statements of absolute fact.

    I personally don't care what brand of Christianity anyone buys into, just be careful how absolute you state your thoughts or how it is so mind boggling not to be able to understand how others who were once JW's no longer want to buy into a god or simply switch god teams.

    My philosophy has always been, what ever wakes you up in the morning and puts a smile on your face is fine with me. Just don't try and make it look like the one and only absolute reality in anyone else's life but your own. We all experience the results of that absolute and only truth before.

    Take care all,


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