I Am a Christian

by Greenpalmtreestillmine 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • LittleToe

    I've just seen this thread, after posting to the other one.
    To be honest I think she was p*ssed on from a great height, and without cause.

    Religious philosophies and convictions aside we are all the same

    I've gotta agree with this one too. Well put.
    I'd take the rest of your post more seriously if it weren't for the fact that you're scared of girls, ya wimp!!!

  • seven006

    <<( I still think your kind of a bastard though)>>

    So do I Gum, I'm starting to feel bad for tricking Xena into posting a larger photo of herself. My monitor is darker than most because the gamma setting is set for graphics work so her little avatar photo was too small and too dark. I needed to see her new photo better so I could see her shoulder. You have to admit, that woman has one fine looking shoulder. It was a bit sneaky and a tad bit manipulative but it worked. I am feeling that bastard part of me creeping up again. I'm evil. I cant help it.

    It's not my fault, I was raised in a cult.

    Xena sweetheart, please don't be mad at me. You know I love ya. May your revenge be swift and painless. And when you're there can you scratch that spot right between my shoulder blades again. You know how itchy it gets when I sweat.

    Thank you babe...I mean Xena.

    I know how much you love to hate me. What can I say, It's a gift.

    Big hug woman,

    Dave the bastard

  • seven006


    I'm not scared of girls at all. I'm afraid of angry girls with lawyers.


  • LittleToe

    I'm not buying it, ya wuss!!!

    "Here, kitty, kitty, kitty!!!"

  • Xena

    Don't let LT fool you Dave...he's scared of me too

  • LittleToe


    "Run awayyyyyyyy!"

  • seven006

    all guys are afraid of women who are smart, attractive, strong willed, and independent with big bumps. That's why we date bimbos.

    We developed that fear in Jr. High school during sex ed. It's what keeps us all in bowling leagues.

    Another big squishy long hug before I run like hell.


  • gumby
    all guys are afraid of women who are smart, attractive, strong willed, and independent with big bumps. That's why we date bimbos.


    My little sweetie is all the above accept whats in bold type.....otherwise I'd be a damn eunich!

    I'm scared shitless of the women you described. If I ever marry again if my sweetie died....I'd have to marry a mentally challenged woman dammit!


  • ThiChi

    You are not alone........keep the faith, and fight the fine fight....there is help for some here yet........

  • bisous
    all guys are afraid of women who are smart, attractive, strong willed, and independent with big bumps.

    what about women with medium bumps?

    That's why we date bimbos.

    i thought you didn't date at all???

    Let's get this story straight.

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