Summer convention "warnings"

by got my forty homey? 48 Replies latest jw experiences

  • blondie

    km 5/86 p. 4 1986 "Divine Peace" District Convention

    We regret that negative reports have still been received from the field. At one convention site, individuals reportedly dressed in bedroom attire entered an auditorium at approximately 4:30 a.m. on Sunday and placed towels, bed sheets, and electric extension cords on hundreds of seats. This was done despite the fact that there were more than enough seats available for all who would be in attendance. At still another convention site?one that made use of an outdoor stadium?a brother reported that some delegates were establishing territorial rights by placing canopies over blocks of seats. Many of these seats were not used. Some were occupied by lunch baskets and beverage coolers throughout the sessions. At the same time, many older persons were looking for seats and could not find them.

    km 5/85 p. 5 1985 "Integrity Keepers" Convention

    Seats have been saved with all manner of items, such as clothing, pieces of paper, handbills, magazines, chains, tape, and rope.

  • Redneck

    I have to say that this would have been a sight to behold..

    When the convention doors open at 8:00 a.m., some brothers and sisters can be seen running, pushing, and shoving to obtain the "best" seats. Injuries have resulted because of this type of behavior.

    Now I could see that happen at the end of the day though..

  • Sassy

    actually I do remember years ago before they did the guilt trip about saving seats and many ones who had to get there early for work would save rows and rows of seats for friends..

    so I was kind of glad when they said not to save seats, that way if I got there early I could have a chance at a decent seat..

    they also used to include in the part about not staying at hotels not on the list..

  • wednesday

    For as long as i can remember , conventions at Will Rogers Stadium, and the the Ft. Worth convention Cntr- -people have been seen lining up early am to get seats. I used to volunteer to wrap sandwhiches just so i could get seats.(this of course before they quit serving at conventions) People did run for seats, the box seats always being the choice seats.We tried to avoid the nose bleed section and also sitting on the floor, so the box seats were prime seats. Eventually i ended up sitting on the floor b/c my mom could not climb even to the box seats. I tell u, no matter how early u got there, and they did not allow anyone in before 8am, there were always seats already saved. I used to wonder how they did it. Now i know, they were saved overnight.

  • Mysterious

    Days with "bible dramas" were the worst. People always wanted seats so they could see. I remember queuing up as a kid and getting elbowed and stepped on as the doors opened and people crushed in and ran (how dignified is that?!?) to get the best spots. What happened to the parable about giving someone else the best seat and taking the lowliest for yourself?

  • bebu
    I think the WTS mentioning and criticizing the Pharisies so much is a way of distracting the average witness from realizing that the WTS does act the like Pharisees. They hear the Pharisies being mentioned in the talks and think "yes, that's right, we're not like those evil religionists! We're better!"

    LOL!! I agree absolutely! Those rules are astonishing. I was laughing at the end where admonitions were given concerning the younger witnesses who "apparently weren't enjoying" the fine presentations, etc. So, there is yet another rule: one must appear to be enjoying the presentations, even if one truly isn't enjoying them. It just sounded so odd... bebu

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Yeah what a joke those rules were. I remember the one about saving seats and everyone did it anyway. Seems like their advise goes in one ear and out the other one.


  • Yerusalyim
    We are known as honest people.

    Really? Says who?

  • Mysterious

    Says the organization of course, in the sources they name, filter, and regurgitate back to us..

  • core
    Fairly or otherwise, it paints a picture of a rabble that's unaccustomed to travel more than a few miles from home and oblvious to obvlious to standards of behavior at public venues such as hotels and restaurants.

    And a pretty fair picture at that - behaviour of mos witnesses when let loose at Hotels etc was appalling - complete disregard for other guests/staff - first pigs at the trough every time.

    As I recall Hotels regularly complained to the convention admin about the JW behaviour - let youngsters near a Hotel Pool and mayhem rules. The constant reminders struck me as aimed at the Western World - seemed not to apply to third world countries - are JWs worst behaved in the affluent west?

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