Summer convention "warnings"

by got my forty homey? 48 Replies latest jw experiences

  • FlyingHighNow
    1.Therefore, resist the urge to turn your head at every noise or movement. 2.Keep your eyes focused on the speaker. 3.Follow along in your copy of the Bible when a scripture is read, and4. keep your Bible open as the text is discussed. This is "a time to keep quiet" and listen. (Eccl. 3:7) Therefore, 5. avoid unnecessary talking and moving about.6. Minimize trips to the rest room by planning ahead

    I count 6 or 7 rules just in those two paragraphs alone. This reminds me of teachers giving first graders instructions: little people, when we go to lunch we will walk in a single file line. We will keep our little hands and feet to ourselves. We will not talk in the hallway as there are other classes being conducted and we do not want to disturb them. No pushing. No shoving. No running in the hallways. No cutting in the lunchroom line. No loud talking at the lunch table. You will taste some of every food and try to clean your plate. Etc. Etc. Etc.

    Get my point? When you are a JW, it's not a joke, you really do need the governing body's permission to go to the restroom.


  • Sentinel

    What I remember most about the Conventions is that we were not able to afford family vacations, so when we went to these gatherings, it was considered like a "vacation"--because it was the only time we got to travel a little and see new surroundings. The only thing is we had to sit for hours every day, and we didn't ever visit any of the local places of interest. Everything centered around making certain we took in every word of the spiritual food. I usually took notes for those that couldn't make it.

    Something that I did notice about those times, was the families who were fairly well off and who got vacations from work, usually took them during the convention dates; however, I also noted that they only were seen at the convention few and far between, as they were out sightseeing, going to the beach, or just "having a vacation with family". These were families that were considered "spiritually strong". So there was definitely separate codes going on, depending upon who you were. Now that I look back on that, how wonderful it really was of the mother and father to see to it that the family got to do some fun things together. They were actually the more balanced and normal families. We were always told by our mother and other strict borg, that they were sitting the wrong example.

  • stillajwexelder

    When warnings are given out now my first reaction is "Well you condescending Ba----ds" They treat the witnesses like little children at times -- I truly find it insulting these days.

  • crinklestein

    Yet they love to stress the scripture where Jesus points out how the Scribes and Pharisies would overburden the followers with too many man-made rules and not focus on the word of God. And how the WTS is so much better than them because they focus on the Word. BULLSHIT!

    I ALWAYS thought it was hypocritical of them to say that it's not right to publically declair their faith yet they are told to walk around EVERYWHERE with their convention badges on. Is that not the equivilant of standing up in the mall and yelling, "I AM A JEHOVAH'S WITNESS! BEHOLD MY GLORY!" A public declaration of faith is wrong and is not supported in the Bible.

  • Englishman
    . Some hotels complain that convention delegates use all the ice in the ice machines to fill their coolers.

    Ice machines?

    Whatever next!

    Ice is a luxury, surely?


  • Enishi

    I think the WTS mentioning and criticizing the Pharisies so much is a way of distracting the average witness from realizing that the WTS does act the like Pharisees. They hear the Pharisies being mentioned in the talks and think "yes, that's right, we're not like those evil religionists! We're better!"

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    At one time after being Df'd for several years I really thought that if Jesus were to come to earth today he would treat the org. as modern day Pharisee's. But then I also remember that Jesus did tell his disciples to listen to what they teach but do not follow what they do.

    Then there is the issue of a governing body, there is no mention of a permanent governing body in the bible but one that was created to solve intermitent problems. All the rules and language are so menial and stupid. I really couldn't see Jesus picking a one organized religon on earth, especially one as benial as the Jehovahs Witnesses.

  • wednesday

    It really does say quite a lot about the IQ of the people they are addressing to have to tell them not to abuse the hotels complimentary breakfast, slam doors and all. Wouldn't want nay tailgate parties at the conventions!! And the part about the kids sitting in the nose bleed sections and using the laser lights was too funny.

  • stillajwexelder

    Ice is a luxury, surely? LOL E-man

    I sure as hell know when I am in the UK - no fu----g ice. Mind you in the USA even the glass is pulled out of the freezer before freezing cold beer is served --there is a happy medium -- European beer is not so cold you can not taste it.

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Maybe some of the suggestions were redundant, but all in all I think they were good suggestions.

    The rooming committees went out of their ways to prepare for the conventions. It only makes sense to be a good guest. Even "worldly" people dont want kids running up and down the halls, being extra rowdy in the swimming pool, and taking advantage of complimentary breakfasts. I think they were good suggestions for traveling in general.

    The fact that we had to be TOLD not to cook in the room unless it had a kitchenette seems insulting, but that means SOMEONE did it.

    It's kind of like the retarded warning labels that say "do not blow dry your hair in the shower." Someone must have done it for them to need to put the label there.

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