How to change 1914

by Bendrr 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Bendrr

    Chances are this post will find it's way to the eyes of the spies in Brooklyn but what the hell. I'm here to help, even if it means sending a crate of ammo to the enemy.

    As a rule I stay out of discussions of the Empire's doctrinal issues. Not that I don't read them, I just usually don't have anything to add. Closed mouth, open mind and all that you know.


    An idea hit me yesterday though that I thought I'd bring up. And maybe this has already been put forth so if it has, well never mind then.

    1914's calculations start with their belief that Jerusalem fell in 607 bc, right? History shows it didn't. It fell in 586 bc, 21 years later.

    Oops! they were 21 years short of their target, which should have been 1935.

    Now does that have to be a problem?

    Not at all!

    In 1935 (if I'm remembering correctly) at a big convention they adopted the name "Jehovah's Witnesses".

    And it wasn't too long thereafter that WWII really got going.

    Now here's the payoff. The "generation" can be adjusted to the one that witnessed the events of 1935, since even though they're dropping like flies as I type this there's still plenty of them left, and they can move Armageddon forward just a little bit and string the r&f along a little longer.

    Damn I'm good!


  • JH

    Mike, holy spirit is coming out of your ears. Now that I started my first beer, the holy spirit will also reveal things to me.

  • Momofmany


    What you said, is almost exactly what I asked family members. I also thru in about if satan was cast down, wasn't that about the time HItler was coming to power. Maybe when he was cast down, he joined with Hitler. That's how it all happened. I was told that was apostate talk, and they would hear no more.

    (yes I know it was more like 1933 he started to come into power, but it's kinda close)

  • smurfy

    I heard that right about the same time they made that prediction a really good batch of acid was going around.

    Coincidence......I think not.

  • freelife

    All this 1914 garbage, if i remember right, i think that marajuana was still legal. I think someone was hitting the hippy lettuce too hard!!


  • Poztate

    Hey Bendrr,

    You are good.This sounds like new light in the making.I am sure one of the "dark force lurkers" will be getting this thought back to the "evil empire' as we speak.I would recommend you put a copyright on this post.You could then collect a royalty every time they used this "new light"

  • nicolaou

    Hate to pour cold water on your idea Mike but the name 'Jehovah's Witnesses was adopted in 1931, not '35.


    jv chap. 11 p. 151 How We Came to Be Known as Jehovah?s Witnesses ***

    in 1931, we embraced the truly distinctive name Jehovah?s Witnesses

  • Bendrr

    Yeah Nic I had that pointed out to me.

    But since I haven't studied my Watchtower in oh about 11 years, well to be only 4 years off, I still get an A for effort right?

    Besides, they missed it by 21 years and I only missed it by 4.


  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    They won't, never - coincidentally, something else of note happened in the western world that same year - it's the closest thing they have ever had to an actual prophecy come true (something else happened somewhere else!!!) - they won't give it up now.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Bendr, Russell predicted or rather calculated that 1914 would be a marked date. He was under the assumption they would be taken to heaven. Of course, there were other dates in which it was predicted they would go to heaven. Many moons ago, I remember reading, "Faith On the March" by H. L.McMillian and he was anticipating of going heaven in 1914 but it never happened to his dismay. He said, God had more work for the saints.

    My question, is 1914 a significant date? And why your answer.

    Guest 77

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