How to change 1914

by Bendrr 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • gumby

    1935 was the introduction of the Great Crowd by asswipe Rutherford. 1931 was the name adoption....also introduced by asswipe Rutherford.

    Bendr ya bastard! Your always a day late. They couldn't change it now if they wanted too as they have alrady stuck their foot in their mouth and said a generation is an indefinate period of time, so the 21 years would have no bearing. You simply MUST quit smoking that Mexican weed and cheap wine!


  • Prufrock

    I've wondered for some time if they may try to bring their chronology in line with secular dates. If they are going to it will require many rewrites. The whole 1918/19 thing, the two witnesses/ Rutherford in jail, the 'trumpet blasts' of the twenties. It will require a massive overhaul. I just don't think that they could pull it off.

  • muleskinner

    "They couldn't change it now if they wanted too as they have alrady stuck their foot in their mouth.." That never stopped them before! If honesty meant anything then they would have been out of business after the first book. Muleskinner

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    well the wt , has been pushing the generation of 1935 for some time . trying to but more time. as in the aug 2002 wt saying that the generation of the annointed is now 70 yearas old etc. and also saying the end would be before they all died.....john

  • UpAndAtom

    I personally believe we are in the period known as the "first resurrection" ala Revelations, and that this started somewhere in the 1800's with the advent of major technological breakthroughs (some breakthroughs still unheard of even unto this day - ala my picture). It may even be possible that we are still in this first resurrection, even today. Although I'm starting to think it's a transition period. It's a bit hard to see at present.

    I am now eagerly looking forward to the second resurrection, which I believe may have started 3-4 years ago in a small village in Taiwan. A little boy born into poverty currently exhibits amazing powers, the likes of which have not been seen since the 1890's. To be fair, I believe this little boy is only the tip of a very large ice-berg which may not manifest itself to the masses for many long years (ie. 20 years... 60?). It's entirely possible this little boy will grow out-of his powers, but I am still very excited indeed - for I see the tip of an iceberg emerging.

    I'm not going into specifics due to some *very* specific advice given in the bible regarding such knowledge.
    "Seek for truth like buried treasure" - "Knock and it shall be opened". These are not just nice little sayings that tell you to keep looking under the same rock for knowledge. They underlie a very powerful truth about personal growth and achievement. Sometime I can't do for you... no matter how much I want to.

    I think the greatest problem with 1914 is the backwards focus it gives all Jehovah's Witnesses... not only when they are JW's, but also when they leave. If you want to focus on any teachings, then Revelations is my preferred choice, as well as the verses immediately before the famous John 3:16.

  • czarofmischief
    I am now eagerly looking forward to the second resurrection, which I believe may have started 3-4 years ago in a small village in Taiwan. A little boy born into poverty currently exhibits amazing powers, the likes of which have not been seen since the 1890's. To be fair, I believe this little boy is only the tip of a very large ice-berg which may not manifest itself to the masses for many long years (ie. 20 years... 60?). It's entirely possible this little boy will grow out-of his powers, but I am still very excited indeed - for I see the tip of an iceberg emerging.

    Uh, would you mind posting a link? Sounds like the plot to Exorcist 2.

    And, maybe a quick reference for those of us who aren't psychic - what powers existed in the 1890's? Who is being resurrected? Why?


  • Carmel

    Can someone enlighten me what the sequence of exigis is that lead the witlesses to 1914 from 607? Miller's calculations pointed to 1843/44 and seemed much more logical as it coincided with other religious prophecy outside of Christian text. No other religions have anything remotely close to 1914 that I am aware of....


  • Bofug

    I am now eagerly looking forward to the second resurrection, which I believe may have started 3-4 years ago in a small village in Taiwan. A little boy born into poverty currently exhibits amazing powers, the likes of which have not been seen since the 1890's. To be fair, I believe this little boy is only the tip of a very large ice-berg which may not manifest itself to the masses for many long years (ie. 20 years... 60?). It's entirely possible this little boy will grow out-of his powers, but I am still very excited indeed - for I see the tip of an iceberg emerging.

    Ummmm, didn't Jesus say that when the Second Coming was going to happen, there would be a sign that all the world would see? I mean, a little boy who has unmentioned powers in some obscure Taiwan village? Sounds like some drug is talking here - in my opinion anyways

  • stillajwexelder

    Mike - -I honestly have thought that for a while -- so I agree - - 1935 does not seem a bad idea -- 1945 for atomic age could also be a date but that would not fit in with the fall of Jerusalem

  • UpAndAtom

    The journey for knowledge is just as important as the knowledge. I believe strongly that the Bible teaches this, just as it clearly demonstrated how many people asked, neigh, demanded Jesus give them instant answers.

    There is no hyperlink that I am aware of, since I didn?t get my knowledge from such. I consider the Internet an immature repository of human knowledge when weighed against that of a well run library (eg. Washington Congress Library, National Library of Australia, etc.)

    Perhaps only when humans on a global scale recognise a God greater than themselves, or their accomplishments, will a First Resurrection truly begin. I believe that the little boy in Taiwan (and others like him) could bring about technological changes that are so profound, that they expose the long-lost secrets of the Universe in such as way, that the scientific community will no longer have to guess what?s inside an Atom; they will be able to see with startling clarity and precision that forces them to concede that there must indeed be a God. I am not talking about mysterious, intangible physic powers or such, but real tangible repeatable results, that yield consistent answers of unparalleled accuracy and precision.

    The tip of the iceberg is first seen by the lookout, but if the ship hits it, then all the passengers will know. In like manner, the second coming may be likewise seen. The 1890?s was an iceberg that was avoided. The boy in Taiwan may be another, maybe this time we?ll hit? In any case, I perceive an increase in the number of bergs? and like a foolish lookout, I?m excited by the spectacle of it all.

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