Are you a blood donor?

by nicolaou 30 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • SpunkyChick

    I am a blood doner. Found out my blood type is A+. If an emergency came up, I would accept a blood transfusion.

  • Yerusalyim


    You do of course realize that (percentage wise) more people die from NOT receiving blood than die or get sick because they accepted blood...don't you?

  • acsot

    Take it easy on DY. She's in exactly the same place I was last year, almost to the day. I could have written her post last year. Probably wouldn't have had the guts ).

    My position now? Damn straight I'd take blood. And give blood. And marrow. Hair and fingernails too.

    Have y'all signed the organ donor thingy on your driver's license?

  • BluesBrother

    I am not yet a blood donor.. That is one thing that I would really like to do , both for my fellow man and as a real gesture to the WBTS.

    However, with family so indoctrinated in the dub mentality I am not willing to bring upon myself the shunning, being cut off from the family, possible divorce and loss of my home ; not for something that I need not do, and would bring only a small benefit to the pool of donors.

    Number 6, Yes I remember Tony Hancock and that sketch always comes to mind when I see the NBTS logo.......BTW "I am not a number I am a free man!"

    Doubtfully Yours.. I agree to a large extent. Giving is one thing, but I would only wish to receive it in an emergency when there was no alternative. It just seems a crude and unnatural thing to do. Blame it on the witness upbringing if you like but I feel a distaste for it., just as I could not stomach black pudding ( Made from blood).. But if there was no alternative in that hospital on that day, Yes I would take it

  • Sentinel

    Yes I am. Just gave the very first time back in September of this year. I hope to do so again. I am also a designated organ donor on my driver's license. I've been "out" since '82 and it took me all this time, mostly because I thought I couldn't since I'd had Yellow Jaudice when I was small.

    When they sent me the thank you and told me that I had saved at least three lives, I broke down and cried.

  • Prudence

    Yes, I donated for the first time a couple of months ago. I wanted to do something to really help save a life. It felt much better than going out in service ever did. Besides,donating time in service never saves anyones life.


  • Tinkerbell4125

    CC donates at the office. I haven't donated blood, but I did volunteer at the Red Cross from Oct to this month. I worked in the office. I really enjoyed it too! Felt good.

  • FreeToBeMe

    I have donated blood and would accept the gift of such from another should it be deemed necessary. I'm only too aware of the 'official' line promoted by the JW BOrg., and it smacks of blatant hypocrisy to me... can't accept blood but can accept blood fractions made from donated blood, p-leeeeeeeease!!!! With regard to the medical profession's use of blood, my experience hasn't been of an over-reliance on this valuable resource. Whilst having chemo-therapy a few years back my blood count went haywire and it was thought I might need a blood transfusion. They tried everything they could to improve my blood count. As good fortune and their skills would have it, my blood quality did improve without the need for a transfusion. It has been my experience then, that blood will only be used as a last resort. Most of the medical profession are, imo, highly respectful of the gift they are furnished with... but then again, seeing as I am now a part of that profession I am somewhat biased.


    I would love to, and have attempted to, undergoing all the necessary tests required to make sure my blood was disease free.

    That aside, the questionnaires are very direct, and they don't leave any stone uncovered.

    I am A Negative, and it is not common.

    When I found out I was A Negative, I contacted the Canadian Blood Service, when they found out I was A Negative, they wanted me down to their clinic right away.

    Remember I mentioned the Questionnaire?

    They ask very specific questions, and well.....I was nixed out of the deal, with the person waiting for me to fill it all out, looking very disappointed.

    So was I.

    I did tests to make sure I was HIV free, as well as free of any Hepatitus, STD or any other possible blood borne contaminants.

    For those allowed to donate: I commend you.

    I really and truly wish I could, but I am sadly not allowed.

    Good on ya to those who give.

    That had to be, the LAST thing that stood in my way, post-JW. I'm glad that finally came down.

    To the earlier poster on this thread (Doubtfully Yours): I can relate, and I used to use the very same comparisons, but my dear fellow poster, I can assure you, as it has been touched upon: more people than you'll ever know, are saved by blood transfusions. You are entitled to hold on to your convictions. I used to too, but eventually, after much research and many baby steps post JW, I was able to value this very MODERN and life giving proceedure.

    DY: but the important thing is, you mentioned 'not yet'. Each on his/her own time.

    We've all been there, for the most part with that post-JW mindset re: blood transfusions. Like I indicated earlier, I used to hold on to that one last thing, for many years post JW.

    Now: If I needed it, I'd say: go4it

  • Thunder Rider
    Thunder Rider

    I donate as often as I can. The community blood center calls when ever I am eligeble to donate. My blood type is O- and they love me for it. I even got a "Friend for Life" coffee mug last time.

    I would not however accept a blood transfusion. Still a bit skittish about what goes in. I know my blood is clean but still have trust issues.


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