Is The GB Paranoid? And Should They Be?

by NotFormer 31 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • ElderBerry

    The "bunker" mentality goes back to Rutherford. As a kid in the '60s, I remember public talks about preparing to go "underground" during "persecution and the use of reversible coats. In one talk, a school friend demonstrated his reversible coat and foldable hat on the stage during the hour talk by an Elder.

    Bethel had more tunnels than a rabbit family in the 70s.

    And of course, we can't forget GB 2.0's bunker fantasy.”

    Balamasy you are right about the reverse coats and hats thing I remember that. I also remember recently having direction to hide literatures and survival items outside your home, and many times in the go bag reminders to store a reasonable amount of food and emergency equipment

  • DesirousOfChange
    They should be paranoid considering how many people's lives they have harmed. There are likely a lot of folks who really are "out to get them" and would love nothing more than to see them topple from their ivory tower.
  • blondie

    Rutherford was preparing for bunkers "Rutherford's book "Enemies in 1937 said America would become a fascist Catholic country and start where do you hide the Bethel family?

    Watch 82 8/15 p.10 "...for the safety of the Bethel family a place was built in South Lansing New was never needed for that purpose...later transformed into a Missionary school..."

    Watch 81 12/15 P.28 "Rutherford believed that intense persecution against the Witnesses may require them to leave headquarters...thus he built a building in upstate New York that could be used to house the Bethel family..."

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    The GB have this ""bunker mentality".

    They're only in this "mentality" to save their own bacon. If anyone is going to the bunker(s), it will be them.

    They dont care about people. Raymond Franz did. Thats where the difference is. The GB,,faithful slave are self-serving and only in it for "themselves".

    When the big crunch comes,,should the Borg topple,,,we'll really see what the GB is made of. Probably hiding in "their bunkers"", or on some tropical island somewhere.

  • Phizzy

    When you look at those guys, they must have a terrible dose of Cognitive Dissonance, all of 'em. They have grown up knowing the "End" is near, but they know they are making up themselves anything about how near, but they still deep down believe the bullshit that we are in the "End Times", how painful that level of C.D must be to carry around !

    Hence they have that "Bunker Mentality" , have found it keeps them going, and keeps their faith in the bullshit fairly strong, so they engender that mentality in the JW rank and file.

    This IS a form of Paranoia , so a resounding "YES" to the question in the Thread Title.

    As to this " or on some tropical island somewhere." I think this is highly likely, when you look at the income the Org. has had for many decades, they haven't spent anywhere near all of it. Hence, they are worried about Cash Flow all the time, but they are not paranoid about the Org. toppling, because THEY will be O.K !

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    The GB will be the only ones secured in a "bunker".

    The vast majority of of the rank and file will be hung out to dry and thrown to the dogs.

  • Vidiot

    re. Phizzy’s post…

    They know it’s wrong…

    …but believe it’s true…

    …at the same time.

    I honestly don’t think authoritarian leaders actually experience cognitive dissonance, and, in fact, are unable to understand people who do.

  • Phizzy

    " I honestly don’t think authoritarian leaders actually experience cognitive dissonance, and, in fact, are unable to understand people who do."

    Well, the buggers DESERVE to have a good dose of it then !

    I wonder what you base your conclusion on please ?

    I am interested in trying to get a handle on their "thinking",

  • Mikejw

    The GB do have access to the secret bunkers and a few others at the very top including some top financial supporters.

    They all know it’s not true the JW doctrine and they also know it’s the best way to keep donations coming in to support their luxuries.

    Not only luxuries like staying in hotels paid for by block booking regional conventions, flying first class paid for by donations, but also the reverence and respect they get from rank and file.

    Everywhere they go they get treated like royalty. The best food the best gifts.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze
    So why not set up a "Jehovah's Witness Protection Program?"

    It will take an assination attempt. I suggest Babylon, Iraq as a resettlement area.

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