Did anyone else go to this weeks midweek meeting?

by NikL 26 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • NikL

    In the congregation bible study, the book addressed how "truth" is progressive...

    18 Just as Jehovah progressively revealed truths about the Kingdom in the period leading up to 1914, he continues to do so during the time of the end. As Chapters 4 and 5 of this book will show, over the past 100 years, God’s people have had to adjust their understanding on a number of occasions. Does that fact mean that they do not have Jehovah’s backing? On the contrary! He supports them. Why? Because those who fear Jehovah have displayed two qualities that he loves—faith and humility. (Heb. 11:6; Jas. 4:6) Jehovah’s servants have faith that all the promises in God’s Word will come true. They show humility when they admit that they misunderstood exactly how those promises would be fulfilled. That humble attitude is reflected in the March 1, 1925, issue of The Watch Tower, which said: “We know that the Lord is his own interpreter, that he will interpret his Word to his people in his own good way and in his own due time.”

    19 When the Kingdom was established in 1914, God’s people had only partial knowledge of how prophecies relating to the Kingdom would be carried out. (1 Cor. 13:9, 10, 12) In our zeal to see God’s promises fulfilled, we have on occasion drawn wrong conclusions. Over the years, the wisdom of another statement made in The Watch Tower quoted in the preceding paragraph has become apparent. The article stated: “It seems to be a safe rule to follow, that prophecy can not be understood by us until it is fulfilled or in the course of fulfillment.” Now that we are deep into the time of the end, many Kingdom prophecies have been and are being fulfilled. Because God’s people are humble and willing to be corrected, Jehovah has allowed our understanding of his purpose to become more complete. True knowledge has become abundant!

    Refinements in Understanding Sift God’s People

    20 When Jehovah refines our understanding of truth, our heart condition is tested. Will faith and humility move us to accept the changes? Christians living in the middle of the first century faced such a test. For example, imagine that you were a Jewish Christian living at that time. You deeply respect the Mosaic Law and take pride in your national heritage. Now you receive inspired letters from the apostle Paul stating that the Law is no longer binding and that Jehovah has rejected natural Israel in favor of gathering a spiritual Israel made up of both Jews and Gentiles. (Rom. 10:12; 11:17-24; Gal. 6:15, 16; Col. 2:13, 14) How would you have responded?

    21 Humble Christians accepted Paul’s inspired explanation and were blessed by Jehovah. (Acts 13:48) Others resented the refinements and wanted to cling to their own understanding. (Gal. 5:7-12) If they would not change their viewpoint, those individuals would lose the opportunity to be corulers with Christ.—2 Pet. 2:1.

    22 In recent decades, Jehovah has refined our understanding of the Kingdom. For example, he has helped us to see more clearly when those who will be subjects of the Kingdom are to be separated from unresponsive ones as sheep are separated from goats. He has also taught us when the full number of the 144,000 will be filled, what the Kingdom illustrations given by Jesus mean, and when the last of the anointed will be raised to heavenly life.* How do you respond to such clarifications? Is your faith strengthened? Do you see them as evidence that Jehovah continues to educate his humble people? The following material in this book will reinforce your conviction that Jehovah is progressively revealing his purpose to those who fear him.

    So really prophesy can only interpreted by what has happened? Sort of defeats the purpose of prophesy it seems to me. In fact the whole study seems utterly ridiculous.

    Anyway, The reason I ask if you have been to the meeting is I am curious if this study was rushed in your hall?

    In ours we had to view the video about building halls in addition to the local needs talk. It was 16 minutes after 8 by the time the study started! The brother did a great job of getting it done in 15 minutes.

    I asked a ministerial servant friend what was up with that and he said at the last minute the society told the brothers to show the video.

    I got to thinking, was that a way to gloss over this study and give it short shrift because it was so blatant?

    So, did anyone else got a non rushed version of this study it was it rushed in your hall too?

  • wifibandit

    Very Rushed. They should have just cut out the massive amounts of misogyny.

  • ToesUp

    WT is really pushing things that are making people scratch their heads. They want you to blindly follow them and drink the kool aid. They want you to stay away from those who could "test your faith." Look closely, they are nervous about the number of people who are questioning, exiting and the massive amount of young ones not choosing this cult to follow. Donations are down and the future is bleak for them...follow the money!

  • tor1500

    Hi All,

    I was at the meeting...& yes, they did the same thing...also, not too many comments regarding the book study...Folks are waking up...they rushed through it. This book is about turning our love & attention to the org. But again, I see the lights going off in their heads....

    Does this scripture come to mind: Eph. 4:14:So we should no longer be children, tossed about as by waves and carried here and there by every wind of teaching+ by means of the trickery of men, by means of cunning in deceptive schemes...

    Well it comes to my mind...what I'm wondering is if they are not inspired....does that mean that they are not guided by the holy spirit ? But by what & whom?

    I think they are still talking to the not so smart people of years ago....Not today....

    In the video, they are asking for engineers, & other type of professionals...well, how can they, they condemn higher education....so where are they going to get these folks from....but even if you don't have any skills...they want you to volunteer to serve food...I heard a rumor that when it came to building, they had to hire outside contractors...anyone hear that ?

    Love this....& so true...So really prophesy can only interpreted by what has happened? Sort of defeats the purpose of prophesy it seems to me...So true...so what they are really saying is that they shouldn't be predicting nothing until it happens...

    The org. is now all about smoke & mirrors...yes the chariot is moving & the friends are on it, moving away from them...fast..


  • redvip2000

    For example, imagine that you were a Jewish Christian living at that time. You deeply respect the Mosaic Law and take pride in your national heritage. Now you receive inspired letters from the apostle Paul stating that the Law is no longer binding and that Jehovah has rejected natural Israel in favor of gathering a spiritual Israel made up of both Jews and Gentiles. (Rom. 10:12; 11:17-24; Gal. 6:15, 16; Col. 2:13, 14) How would you have responded?

    Let's say you accepted these inspired letters at first. But now the apostle Paul sends a second letter saying that the first letter was not actually correct. Then a third letter saying the second letter is not correct either, maybe even several more letter each correcting the previous one.

    At what point to do you turn to the apostle Paul and tell him "you know what? Go f*ck yourself and your letters"

  • Fairlane

    They keep harping on that jehovah..." refines their understanding " or" jehovah helps us to see". My question . ..by what method? and secondly is this new understanding the absolute final truth of the matter ? So... begs the obvious question why did jehovahs help in understanding crucial life saving information go so wrong previously . They now have publicly stated in their publications they are not inspired and they make errors of judgement concerning biblical understanding , it must follow therefore that any ' help ' from jehovah or holy spirit is unmitigated guesswork designed to keep their minions hooked on falsehood .

  • Ultimate Axiom
    Ultimate Axiom

    It seems to be a safe rule to follow, that prophecy can not be understood by us until it is fulfilled or in the course of fulfilment.

    It doesn’t appear to be of much use then, does it? Funny how the WT only applies this rule when their ‘understanding’ about a prophecy proves to be wrong. After all, their ‘understanding’ right now is that the following will all happen in the ‘near future’;
    Phase 1: Precursor of “sudden destruction”
    • nations will be saying, “Peace and security!”
    • final sealing of the anointed remnant (the 144,000)
    Phase 2: The Great Tribulation Begins
    • Attack on religion by the United Nations
    • The attack will be cut short
    Phase 3: Events leading up to Armageddon
    • Celestial phenomena
    • Judgment pronounced on all God’ enemies
    • All-out attack on all of Jehovah’s people
    • Gathering of the anointed remnant to heaven
    Phase 4: Armageddon
    • Jehovah will rescue his people under attack
    • Execution and removal of all human enemies of God’s Kingdom
    They clearly haven’t applied the rule to this pile of crap.

  • Crazyguy

    This should be waking even more up but I'm sure most were half asleep during the study. In my hall it's mostly about socializing except for the few hardcore nut jobs. This book could be another used to throw in the face of elders during a Jc showing that the idiots at the top are just that idiots.

    These guys are so stupid that after the great clean out of the early 80's one of the writing department brothers that was able to escape by just a hair was contacted and asked to work on making the insight books. So here's a guy working in putting together thier new encyclopedias and he's not at bethel and really no longer a believer of thier crap, doing the work. Crazy right!

  • blondie

    Does the WTS teach that all of the real anointed on earth have to die and be in heaven for the marriage of the bride to Jesus to begin which is shortly after the GT starts?

  • Darkknight757

    How does this crazy study build faith? It would seem to do the exact opposite. I personally think the GB are testing the sheep to see who will be loyal no matter what is said. They are working out any who would question the GB's authority.

    And as usual, the book study proves to be a disastrous waste of time.

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