Cliff Notes on Construction Halt/Bethel Layoffs

by neverendingjourney 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Apparently the elders, right now in the U.S. and U.K., are asked to destroy any personal notes from JC hearings. I believe it is to limit litigation. That is what I have to suspect, but not 100% sure, may just be a rumour. However, if true very disturbing. Such elder who follow such direction, you would have to wonder if they even have a conscience.

    What is even more disturbing is the vast rank and file would have no idea whatsoever at all about what their local elders are doing. The ones who they apparently trust and confide in!!! Despicable.

  • sir82

    Apparently the elders, right now in the U.S. and U.K., are asked to destroy any personal notes from JC hearings.

    Not in the US.

    In the UK, it is apparently something that has been going on for many years, due to a data protection law.

  • neverendingjourney

    Interesting. It's stupid to keep notes on JCs anyhow.

    If I were inclined to put together a legal strategy to combat the WT, I'd start suing individual elders left and right, maybe bankrupt a few along the way from mounting legal defense costs.

    It wouldn't "bring down the WT" but it'd send a chilling message to the rank and file and force the governing body to show its hand.

  • millie210

    There has been the comment made that the destroying of old records has been the official standard for a long time and is nothing new.

    Some elders do the cleaning out of files and some neglect it.

  • steve2

    Jehovah's chariot now has a document destruction bin installed.

    In addition to all earlier copies of JW organization's literature, it will be used to destroy personal notes on the rank and file - and the odd love letter "accidentally" handed around the congregation during the mid-week meeting (you know what I'm talking about Brother Innocent ).

    A bigger version of the document destruction bin will be installed earthwide post Armaggedon. And we will be laughing on the other side of our faces then.

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