Manners and Respectfulness

by IWant2Know 52 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NotFormer

    Meanmrmustard: "The other day I was at the grocery store. And sure enough, the automated checkout, used for 20 items or less, was blocked by a lady with two carts full of food.

    On a hunch (because all exjws ... you know) I asked if she used to be a JW. Of course she was...

    Confirmed again."

    ExJWs are Karen's! 😱

  • NotFormer

    From what I've read about JWs and the indoctrination process, manners are something that could be a casualty. Manners are a way of showing respect to your fellow human beings. My understanding is that JWs are taught not to respect anything or anyone from outside the Kingdom Hall environment. Also, that they don't respect anything done in kingdom service; no-one gets a pat on the back for anything. That would be taking the glory away from Jehovah. The GB likes to use that bible verse that says something like "we are just slaves, we did our duty" (most other bibles translate "doulos" as "servant").

    Against that backdrop of basic disrespect, I wouldn't see manners as being pushed as important. The arrogant higher ups could get away with disrespect for people lower down the pecking order, and their attitudes would be pushed down the line to those "lesser ones".

    The OP seems to be of the opinion that you'll find manners and respect in the Kingdom Hall, but not among exJWs. For the reasons above, I don't see that as automatically being the case.

  • Ding

    Did anyone ever go out in service with Brother Foot-in-the-Door or Sister Insult-the-Christendom-Householder?

    Manners? Respect?

  • NotFormer

    "...Sister Insult-the-Christendom-Householder..."

    We had her at our door once. She gave us "what for" about our belief about the current status of our deceased family member, only days after the death.

    I remember feeling at the time that she was "somewhat ill-mannered". 🙄

  • MeanMrMustard
    So, are you implying that some ex's or former JWs are still working through their anger?

    I'm saying it's not a problem with the manners of exJWs if/when they have an issue with active JWs. The rest of my posts were just sarcastic fun.

  • Ron.W.
    Did anyone ever go out in service with Brother Foot-in-the-Door or Sister Insult-the-Christendom-Householder?

    Yes. I was on the ministry with an older brother in the cong that I really admired.

    He had gravitas, was debonair and was respected by all.


    Whilst on the ministry with him one day a little old lady answered the door and yelled at him "Get off my step immediately - you jw's can teach me nothing!"

    To my great surprise my partner lifted up the letterbox and shouted, "I could teach you some manners you miserable old cow!"

    He then went to the next door as if nothing had happened..🤷‍♂️

  • IWant2Know

    NotFormer said:

    The OP seems to be of the opinion that you'll find manners and respect in the Kingdom Hall, but not among exJWs. For the reasons above, I don't see that as automatically being the case.

    Actually, NotFormer, what I was getting at was that some posters' attitude and language seems to validate the viewpoint of Jehovah's Witnesses that apostates are terrible people. And that if any of JWs would ever look at this forum (which I'm sure that the headquarters have), they would probably say something like, "See, I told you so."

    And no offense to anyone, but even when I first read this forum years and years ago, I experienced a bit of culture shock. Plus, I had thought that even having little 'monsters' as the default avatar, kind of played into the role being an apostate. Although now I figure that it's a way of the owner of this site to give the finger to the Watchtower Society.

  • NotFormer

    IWant2Know, those are valid points. It can be a bit of a free for all. But at the same time, there are plenty of respectful people here. I'm not sure Simon introduced the monster avatars as a middle finger to anybody, maybe he saw it as cute and endearing. Superficially, it might appear rough, but most JWs adapt. Some of the rudest and most arrogant posters have been current JWs hiding behind their online anonymity. Or at least, they could cut it with the rudest "apostates".

  • IWant2Know
    NotFormer said:
    IWant2Know, those are valid points. It can be a bit of a free for all. But at the same time, there are plenty of respectful people here. I'm not sure Simon introduced the monster avatars as a middle finger to anybody

    Is Simon still around? Because sometimes I think that this forum is on auto pilot. Especially since I still have the baby poop colored avatar instead of the one that I tried to changed to. 😉

  • TonusOH

    The Watchtower organization will find any number of ways to justify their attitude towards those who leave. One way is to focus on those whose behavior they think is easy to condemn, even though there are certainly plenty of such examples within the organization itself. Or are people not rude or aggressive or foul-mouthed when they are JWs?

    I am 100% certain that if I had browsed this forum when I was PIMI, I would have an endless list of things to object to, which would have fed my view of exJWs and apostates. I would also have found no end of excuses for similar behavior among JWs. Confirmation bias is a very real thing, and it paints our view of the world. Knowing this, I don't worry what the organization or PIMI JWs think about this site.

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