How do you feel about Christmas?

by AJN 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheSilence

    Like a child! I have so much fun just picking out the perfect tree, my eyes light up walking through them looking them over. I spoil my neices and nephew absolutely rotten and adore picking out the perfect gift for people I love... the one that will make their eyes light up when they open it. I get so enthused and manic I even inspire some scrooges who don't know what it's like to not have Christmas into enjoying it again ;)


  • ChimChim

    I wasn't in the religion long enough to actually not really celebrate I was only in it until I was 5... But I Love X-Mas...The best time of the year besides my Birthday


  • Maverick

    Like Walter this will be my first Christmas as an adult-post-dud! I was 23 and just out of college when I started studying and then I just brought gifts to the folks home and didn't set up anything at my little place.

    I won't put up a tree because I'll taking two weeks off and will do a little remodeling at home but I have bought gifts and cards and will set up some lawn art, ( this is Florida and I mowed the yard Sunday in cut-offs and a t-shirt).

    The big thing I noticed is that I like the Chirstmas music and the whole atmoshere this year. As a dud Christmas was always a nuisance, the music, the Malls packed with shoppers, no parking around any stores, the drunk drivers etc. And while they are all still about, I am OK with it all this year! I picture the duds all hiding in their little bubble until they get the "all clear" sign....Jan 2. Maverick

  • Country_Woman

    It's a great family-happening and most of the time I love it.

  • azaria

    I love Christmas but I have to admit that it was much more exciting when I was a child in the Netherlands (Sinterklaas, the sock filled with goodies, going to my Oma’s) and when my two children were small. For my childrens sake I will try to get into the spirit this year. First, a heavy snow fall really helps. I always have a real tree (balsam fir), and decorate the place with large pine cones, lots of greenery, candles. I’ve collected a number of Santa’s over the years and I enjoy putting up the Christmas village. I do like cooking Christmas Dinner even though it can get pretty hectic. Mostly it’s about being with family and friends. I don’t believe we ever really overdid it; never got in debt. I will never forget the first Christmas when my son (who’s now 21) realized what Christmas was about; him scurrying down stairs (we were still in bed) to see all the presents under the tree.

  • bebu

    Like Missy, I've always celebrated Christmas since I was never a dub...

    Sometimes there are so many things you can do during hte season, it can be overwhelming: Christmas cards, decorating (not only a tree, but outside lights and inside decorating), Christmas music, good potpourri (or incense or scented oils) like cinnamon or pine, baking Christmas cookies and baklava for friends and family, cooking special cultural/traditional family recipes, Christmas caroling, church programs to attend (or be in), Christmas dinners and parties, food bank drives, "angel tree" giving (gifts for needy families), buying a wrapping gifts for what seems like forever... and watching shows like "A Christmas Story", "It's a Wonderful Life", and others ("Elf" is supposed to be very funny!).

    Last year, I managed to do lots of things (not everything listed here!!), and we spent Christmas eve, after a simple church service, with an easy buffet of special foods, candles, Christmas music, Bailey's Irish Cream, and watched "It's a Wonderful LIfe". Really magical! ... We even had most of the gifts wrapped for once, so we didn't stay up until 3:00 am, but turned in at 12:00. Christmas day itself was also very mellow--with only a dinner to worry about. Hope this year will match last year...

    You'll need about 2 months if you want to do it all! It's like a buffet, though; do what you enjoy!


    ho ho ho!

  • Brummie

    I struggled the first couple of years but I got over it and now I lurrrrrrrrv Christmas so feel free to send gifts :)

    I also lurrv all the shoppers shopping and the hustle and bussle and the trimmings etc

  • integ

    it's kinda nice.

  • datsdethspicable

    Since I was born and raised a dub. I have no feeling for it. I've tried for the sake of my boyfriend but, I don't get it. It seems too commercialized and I see parents holding things over kids heads like"Santa isn't going to get you that for Christmas if you don't behave" that turns me off. Maybe it's that conditional love thing that I was raised up in.

    But I do get my kids something and we go out to eat. I don't decorate or anything else. I have asked my kids if they want a tree or lights but, they so "Nah". Sooooo it is just another day for us.

  • shera

    Love it

    Love to buy gifts for people

    Love the decorations

    Love it

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