You Are Cordially Invited to a Philly Phest Brunch!

by Funchback 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • slipnslidemaster

    good to see I can still kill a thread

  • Funchback

    Nice try, Slip! But this Thread AIN'T dead!

    I will be sending out directions on 12/28/03 to all who have e-mailed me as well as those yet to e-mail me.

  • xjw_b12

    Funch. I think I gained 5 pounds just reading the menu. Wishing you a great time.

    BT said:

    Oh for the days of yore, and the greatness of Roger Staubach, Drew Pearson and Bob Lilly.

    The world made so much more sense then.


    And of more recent lore Tony Dorsett.
  • Funchback

    That quote of Big Tex reminds of something that Hank Hill would say.

    I'm sure our brunch will be a blast!

    NIKITA- You coming to this brunch??? Also, me and badwillie will be visiting Pops in Silver Spring this Saturday. But don't tell him because it's a SURPRISE! Maybe you can come by too???

  • Nikita

    GET OUT!!! We were going to try to see him Friday! Are you sure you will be going Saturday? Maybe I can talk the family into going Saturday.

    Probably won't be able to make it for the brunch, though.

  • Funchback

    Nikita- I will see you later today.

    To all who are coming: I will be e-mailing you the restaurant info. If, after you receive the information, you need directions, please let me know ASAP!

  • Funchback

    Still time to respond if you'd like to attend.

  • Funchback

    I sent an e-mail to everyone who said they are attending. If you didn't receive an e-mail containing location/directions, please tell me ASAP!


    I got an 'Undiliverable' automated respone when I sent you the location and directions. It said you weren't accepting e-mails. If you wanna come, please let me know.

  • slipnslidemaster

    I'm so excited, my two favorite things, brunch and apostates!!!

  • badwillie

    ^^^^ BTTT.^^^

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