You Are Cordially Invited to a Philly Phest Brunch!

by Funchback 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • Funchback

    All are welcome to attend Philly Phest (apostafest) Brunch on Sunday, January 11.

    This will be the 2nd Phest in the last three years. If you missed the first one, then you missed meeting flower and her son Jaden, badwillie and mrs. badwillie, and yours truly. As a bonus, our Waitress (Server?) happened to be a JW. Imagine that! Apostates being served by a JW.

    Anyway, if you are interested in attending, you MUST e-mail me @ [email protected] . I will give you directions to the location. I would like to get to the restaurant by 11:00 AM. The menu includes (but not limited to): Ham, Turkey, Prime Rib, cooked-to-order omlettes, ham or crab florentine eggs benedict, Prince Edward Island mussles, smoked salmon, chilled shrimp, french toast, fresh Belgian waffles, bacon, sausage, salads, and cream chipped beef.

    Please confirm your atendance by Decmber 28, 2003.

    [email protected]

  • DebraDoll

    Let me be the first to tell you that this sounds absolutely delightful! We happen to have family (who call it FILTHY-delphia!) out there and I am already anxious for the date! Thanks so much for this info!

  • Celia

    I would love to come Funchback....

    but I can't stand it when people crack their fingers...

  • Euphemism

    *drool* Damn, that's a good brunch... pity I'm on the other side of the country! Have fun, folks.

  • Funchback

    Debra... I read your e-mail before I read this response on the Forum. Please disregard the question in the PS on my response to your e-mail.

    Celia- I get the joke! However, are you really going to come? (I hope so!). If so, please e-mail me to confirm.



    Mr. & Mrs. badwillie

    Mr. & Mrs. DebraDoll

    Devon McBride (possibly)

    Dana (a current JW friend who is currently "stuck" in the troof)

  • Sassy

    This sounds great! I wish it were possible. Unfortunately too much is going on right now requiring all my $$. Weepy

    Have a great time and let us know how it goes!

  • flower

    We'll try to make me! As long as we dont have another nor-easter like what is going on right now. Looking out the window at over two feet and still coming down!

  • Funchback

    sns...We'll take lot's of photos.

    flower...You BETTER come.

  • Funchback


  • Nikita

    I just got back from vacation and will check my calendar!

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