How many of you have a job?

by Joker10 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    I get blow jobs fairly frequently.


    You are welcome

    I work a couple of hours here and there for Starbucks is all. Enough money to put a couple of gallons in the car. But I'm a kid and still in school damn it.

    I can't wait to work fulltime. Well in a real job.

  • Cassiline
    I just sit around wait for Ed McMahon or Armageddon which ever comes first......


    LMAO Lisa!! lololololol Cassi

  • onacruse

    RayZ, I'll post this here and on the other thread, something that I've not shared with you privately, but which I sincerely hope you will allow me to say publicly (Si, Ang, mods, please edit as you see fit):

    Your feelings for people astound me, simply astound me. I wish I had 1/10 the insights into people that you do.

    I sincerely miss you as a mod, and I cherish you as a poster, and a friend.


  • xenawarrior

    I have a job

    uh oh.... I better go to bed so I can get up for it in the morning

  • Mac

    XW, Yes you've had a busy night! ;) mac :)

  • pettygrudger

    Onacruise - couldn't agree w/your sentiments regarding Ray more!

    Walter - plffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffthhhhhhhhhhhh -on the Red Wings comments - we shall see my dear man, we shall see.

    I work full time as an Executive Assistant, I am the mother to a 16 y.o. & a 7 y.o. w/special needs. When I'm not busy w/all that stuff, I try to advocate & help other parents w/special needs children navigate their way through a very confusing world - one I'm still coping with daily.

    Then, when I'm not doing any of that - I'm trying to live Dr.Laura's advice on making my hubby the happiest husband in the whole world Which means I do the majority of the cooking/cleaning/appointments & other under the radar chores that contributes to a healthy & happy family life. And then try to reinvent myself into the sexual goddess that every men dreams of (HA!)

    In between all of those things, I occassionally post here & elsewhere - and I love almost every minute of my life.

  • simplesally

    I work. Until last month I had two jobs, one full time and one part time job. Now I have only one, 5 days a week. But I have computer access all day.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Boy, oh boy joke10r, you are one joker! You have four pages of replies and you've never replied to ONE!

    By the way, check out larc's reply.

    Guest 77

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    I have a very nice full time gig with the County. Great bunch of people, money wise it makes ends meet and the benefits are pretty neat too.


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