Disunited States of America?

by jwleaks 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • RubaDub

    jp1692 ...

    Ok, Ok, you caught me.

    I'm really not moving to the dark side. I was just trying to stick up for Trump and score some points here. I've been on the losing side lately.

    Rub a Dub

  • jwleaks
  • caves


    And a Captain needs crew. Otherwise he is captain only in his mind.

    Piss poor when these are the sayings of a president DURING A PANDEMIC and frankly a world wide great depression!

    Makes me think its all made up. Its all a game of ratings. On both sides.

    As in, America has been a dictatorship disguised as a democracy for several decades. And this is the new spokes person.

    I think i'll just sit these convos out from now on. To much from all angles.

  • smiddy3

    A President of the United States of America as Commander In Chief Of The armed forces can send his country to war anywhere in the world ,by HIS WORD ? he doesn`t have to have the backing of all or even a majority of the states of the union to do so ? Do I have that right ? yes/no ?

    But in this case / coronavirus he is classed as a dictator ? for making an executive decision ? { LOL} As President of the USA .

    He is leader of the free world isnt he ? Yet he is not allowed to lead his own country ?

    I don`t think this problem would arise in Australia .

  • jp1692

    Smiddy: A President of the United States of America as Commander In Chief Of The armed forces can send his country to war anywhere in the world ,by HIS WORD ? he doesn`t have to have the backing of all or even a majority of the states of the union to do so ? Do I have that right ? yes/no ?

    No, you do not have that right.

    Only the US Congress has the authority to declare war.

    • The Congress shall have Power To . . . provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States.” — U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 8, clause 1

    Note these comments from the US House of Representatives which further expound on this, including the historical context and background:

    "Like many powers articulated in the U.S. Constitution, Congress’ authority to declare war was revolutionary in its design, and a clear break from the past when a handful of European monarchs controlled the continent’s affairs.

    "The framers of the Constitution—reluctant to concentrate too much influence in the hands of too few—denied the office of the President the authority to go to war unilaterally. If America was going to survive as a republic, they reasoned, declarations of war required careful debate in open forums among the public’s representatives." - Emphasis added
  • RubaDub

    A President of the United States of America as Commander In Chief Of The armed forces can send his country to war anywhere in the world ,by HIS WORD ?

    smiddy ...

    Constitutionally no. But from a practical standpoint yes. The word "war" has evolved from the time it was used in the constitution. In this century, we have had the "war" on poverty, "war" on hunger and many other "wars." I don't think that's what the framers of the constitution had in mind when using the word war.

    Basically, a President can start something that looks like a war, smells like a war, tastes like a war, etc. But it is not technically a war. Think of Vietnam and Korea. These were technically not wars, but 10's of thousands of soldiers died.

    So can a US President unilaterally declare war? No. But do the same thing and call it a conflict or something and you are good to go.

    Rub a Dub

  • caves

    After backing off the news for a few days and much thought, I feel that Trumps actions (not tweets or the wording he uses) regarding this Covid-19 pandemic has been pretty good. He has shown some interesting resilience and dare I say, a bit of benevolence. Actions do speak louder than words.

    In regards the the question- Disunited States of America ?

    I personally don't think the US is as divided as the media makes it out to be. I think before the age of instant communication, the people of the US have thought these things (political divided view points) and communicated them with their friends, family and peer group. To me it only seems "in your face" because its instant and much of the internet political, talk takes place anonymously.

    Example - I remember when Bush Jr. was in office and I cant tell you how many people I knew threw or organized rallies in opposition to his policies. I even attended some, as some of those people were my close friends and I supported their right to express whatever they felt. They knew my stance on Bush Jr. , which was I liked him. They didn't seem to mind. So we were divided in politics but never as friends. Never before did I feel so close to people as I did then. To have differing views and still have each others back despite it.

    I'm seeing that now. I have a friend, a couple of them in fact, that we just don't agree with the others stance at all. One I just hung out with yesterday and we briefly chatted about it and moved on with our day together (6ft apart). Another friend we have mutually decided that our friendship is much to precious to talk politics so we don't and low and behold we still love each other and check in to make sure the other is okay.

    There are basic brass tack human emotions and needs that have nothing to do with politics. It is those places I see (choose to see) that I will continue to find common ground on a human level.

    No big deal and this is not a humble brag at all but I've met Bush Jr. and Sr. on Bush Jr's ranch near Crawford, TX at a function. I can tell you that that dude works his butt off in the hot sun both on his ranch and serving the people (like a waiter) that were his guests. What you see on TV isn't always the best gauge of a person behavior or actions. Bush's private personality is really playful and funny.

    Never met Trump but I can tell you that I have known some really spoiled rich trust fund babies that took their parents money and never hung out with them much less agree with/or align with them except for a handout of money. I do see Trump protecting his younger son from the media. I do see all of his adult kids in lock step with him. And he protects his wife from media onslaught. That speaks volumes, like it or not.

    We are not as divided as the media makes it out to be.


    So can a US President unilaterally declare war? No. But do the same thing and call it a conflict or something and you are good to go.

    There is much pressure behind a President to declare anything. It comes from many different angles. This seems to provide an accurate breakdown on war declarations in the USA.


  • Diogenesister
    Those powers include sidelining parliament and giving Orban the power to rule by decree indefinitely. The law would punish those who spread false information about the pandemic with up to five years in prison.

    Hungarians presidents new laws of ruling by decree indefinitely are frightening....

  • NotNew

    PA resident here. Wolf had better enjoy his last term in office, cause his ass is being voted OUT! Small business owners in this state are totally PISSED, and won't forget how he's screwed them over. I'm not a small business owner, but everyone I've talked to (Dem or Repub) wants this clown GONE! We are also sick to death of having NY, NJ, and MD imposing their will upon us with their Liberal bullshit policies.

    I agree...and the same goes for all like minded. They are taking a page out of Hitler's play book on how to get control of people!

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    The quarantining of out state residents who are not sick flies in the face of the constitution. Even counties are decreeing non residents stay out. What we are see is balkanization

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