Did you ever TURN SOMEONE IN?

by Sassy 40 Replies latest members private

  • Blue

    They are cold and I doubt they have any soul. However my loving brother is the one who turned me in to the Elders. To this day he treats me like I never existed. I don't get to see my nieces or nephews which is sad because at one time we were a very close nit family. By the way I call him loving sarcastically as he is anything but. Further more I disassociated myself because I do not believe God would or could kill anyone because they don't belong to a certain religion. In fact what got me wise on this is my brother-in-law referred me to the neighbor next door. He said, "do you really think God will kill the guy next door?" He goes to church on Sunday and works and takes care of his family. Do you REALLY think God would kill him because he wasn't a Jehovah Witness? Then I knew that the Watchtower had lied to me.

  • Cassiline
    I turned myself in for getting drunk at a Trailblazers game and staying the night in Portland. I asked to step down but I was deleted instead. Regards, Deleted.

    I had no idea that a one night drinking binge would get one into so much trouble. It's sad we felt so compeled to reveal the most intimate things in our lives to men. Then we allowed ourselved to be judged harshly by them and worst of all ourselves. I never turned anyone in but my father and his friend because of my age they did not listen. But after that even thought I knew things were going on I would not say anything about anyone, smoking that type of thing. I would sit there feeling as if I did the bad thing for not speaking out. Each time I reflect I see exactly how high a control group they truly are. Cassi

  • mouthy

    Well Of course I turned some one in I was a TRUE BLUE JW---I was told I was doing it to save his soul. I had a JW friend -who was seeing another of my friends- who was studying!!!I knew they were dating. My Husband & I was invited to His home for supper ( with the study ) we went (,Remember my hubby was NOT a JW) after the meal Harold ( the JW) showed us his lovely home- when we came to the bedroom he said" This is where me & Rosie"( the study) sleep... Well I did as I was supposed to talked to HIM about it- but he did not repent...So I took along a couple of brothers He did not repent, so it went to the congregation....!!! He was DF.. The study became a JW ...But I had to turn him in it "stumbled" my husband. But when he was DF my husband was impressed ....Well stop thinking that is MOUTHY all over a snitch!!!!! I was under mind control fellers!! Any way they got married after he was reinstated. But I caught him smoking- SO I snitched again.... ( for his soul remember lol) Well he was DF again..... He stopped smoking came back into Hell ( Oh excuse me HALL) The end of the story???? He came & thanked me for it. Said I was his best friend for helping him... His wife was my best friend ( she had been a "call girl" before she was a JW.) He died with cancer a fully fledged JW -She his wife refuses to have anything to do with me an apostate....Well YOU ASKED!!!!! I know!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know !!! I am a B...H> When my mind was captured it went whole souled!!!!

    p.s the names ar false just encase your trying to remember a harold & rosie

  • Blue

    Wow Mouthy,

    You really were a mind-controlled J.W. How did you ever get out of that hell-oops I mean hall?

  • mouthy

    They threw me out( I wonder why?)I didnt believe Jesus came invisably in 1914.Oh it was really rough for me. I thought Jehovah had thrown me off the Ark... But as you know they came bac after 13 years to ask if I would like to be reinstated.LOL ....While I was IN IT -they told me if I had been a man-I would have been an elder..!!!!!!! Now I know why my new JW( just coming out) calls me Mrs Doubtfire. LOL

  • Dansk

    My son, Karl, was a regular pioneer. Out in the school overseer's car one day on the ministry, the school overseer, obviously an elder, started poking fun at some of the invalids in the congregation. This was nothing unusual as he made fun of brothers and sisters all the time. If they had an impediment they were "fair game" to be ridiculed. This time he went too far and Karl told him not to say such things, but he carried on.

    I reported him to an elder because the so and so deserved it! Result - absolutely NOTHING!! Why? Because his daddy is the PO.


  • mouthy

    Typical Dansk!!! That is conditional love .I was told by an elders daughter they ar cleed astrick kids*

    I asked what that was she said "Didnt you know that if your an elders kid you have privalidges"

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Well I didn't turn her in but I told her if she didn't turn herself in I and my elder husband would be forced to. I told her I would support her and stand by her regardless of what the elders did.

    So she went to the elders and told them she was having an affair with a man she met in a bar. She was married to an unbeliever and cheating on him. She never told me who the man was and I didn't really need to know. She was reproved for 6 months and all was forgotten.

    Who you ask?

    My mother - the devout JW

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    after reading all of this, I keep wondering what exactly it is that you people find so horrible about the JWs with respect to their police state mentality...after all, are they any different then for example the US government which expects good citizens to turn in their neighbors when they do illegal acts.... which of course few do, but only because most people FEAR revenge and retribution or just dont care about their neighbors enough to get them help? after all the JWs seem, like most religions to be seeking to help inviduals who want the help... unlike the government which will jail you without much concern for you even if you want help.... someone once told me that the opposite of love is not hate, but apathy.... I do not like some of the ways that JWs handle their judicial actions, because they are after all human and subject to prejudice and bias..but I do think they are not to be damned simply for seeking to follow the rules they believe in.... I mentioned my ex and her problems when it came to turning in her parents, however at the same time, the problem was not in what she did, but more in their inability to offer real help.... they trust in God, which is their faith, but a faith without substance in my opinion as their god does not have any existance that seems to matter in real life.

  • Sassy
    after all, are they any different then for example the US government which expects good citizens to turn in their neighbors when they do illegal acts....

    actually I think there is a big difference. In the WTS we are trained that if we truly love the wronged one, we would have them turn themselves in, or if not, do it ourselves because we are trying to save their life.. so you can say like a parent to a child, that you discipline them because you love them..

    but.. for citizens to turn in neighbors for illegal activities, you aren't trying to help them adjust their ways..

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