Did you ever TURN SOMEONE IN?

by Sassy 40 Replies latest members private

  • seeitallclearlynow

    I've never actually turned anyone in, but when sexual misconduct was revealed to me by my 7 year old after playing w/ a long-time friend one afternoon, I was so stunned and upset that, as soon as we arrived at another of her friends' home, I immediately asked their mother, my friend, if anything like this had come up before when HER children had been playing with the same child who had just "taught" my child some gross sexual behavior. And she started spilling all she knew, because she had had several bad experiences w/ this child, both in her home and at school, where she knew first hand that the mother of the child in question had been called in to the school repeatedly because of gross sexual misconduct on the part of her EIGHT YEAR OLD CHILD! And the second mother had been told she couldn't talk about it! So she had been upset that she wasn't allowed to warn me and the other mothers who trustingly let their children play w/ the troubled child in question! Well, was I upset! So I warned another close friend who also often let her children play w/ this sexual 8 year old, but who was not warned either.

    I had no idea till the Silent Lambs info came out that this kind of thing is apparently common among Jehovah's Witnesses - I thought it was just my own experience. And I was PERMANENTLY offended against the mother of the child for pawning her kid off on me WITHOUT A WORD OF WARNING! And you guessed it - the brothers told me I was the one in the wrong, for I had gossiped and slandered the family of the troubled child; the elder whose child it was was kind to me about it, but they sicked his barracuda wife on me, and she browbeat me and ordered me to "stop crying" and threatened to "take me to the brothers" for this slander; but I never said or believed for one moment that anyone in her immediate family had done anything wrong to cause the child to be so perverted; I was sure, and I still am, that it was her "worldly" relatives who had molested her, because she spent a fair amount of time w/ them on regular weekend visits, by herself. The mother couldn't understand how I could betray our friendship like this, and why couldn't I have come to her, after our years of friendship. I SAY WHY COULDN'T SHE HAVE COME TO ME AND WARNED ME AFTER ALL OUR YEARS OF FRIENDSHIP!!

    It was obvious for some time after that that her husband, who is a good man, was urging her to make amends w/ me, because she made several uncomfortable attempts to be on intimate friendly terms w/ me; but neither of us wanted any closeness anymore.


    seeitallclearlynow...ick...I'm soooo sorry to read your experience. It reminds me of a similar situation with my kids and some other friends and their kids that we hung out with. ..when they were just young...about the age of yours. They were acting out "inappropriate sexual behavior" which I considered to be way past their age of understanding. My kids told me about it. I concluded that the parents were up to something weird with their kids for the kids to be acting that way. I did approach the parents about the children's behaviour and "suggested" they speak with the elders. This whole thing was a big mistake, of course. The weird parents turned the story around to "blame" a third set of parents who were innocent!! The imbicilic way that the elders handled the whole thing just helped me see how completely untrained and unqualified they were to be dealing with this kind of sexual behaviour. Social services could have rightly been involved, not a retired train engineer and some cleaning staff...sheesh!!! How reproachful! How shameful! And in the name of GAWD ... and under the direction of the Holy SpiritTM...?

    *Shakes head and walks away in disgust*


  • Sassy

    wow.. seeitallclearlynow, I can't believe all that. (I mean I do believe.. but.. how horrible!)

    dammit sns, I read the topic as on not in.......

    ? maybe you should start a thread called "have you ever turned someone on?" I'll come post in it smack

    I also turned in a relative for beating the living crap out of his wife. After the elders left he beat the crap out of her even worse and threatened to kill her if she ever breathed a word again.

    How horrible tazmaniac.. My first husband used to take things out on me when ever someone talked to him about how he treated me.. he always assumed I had asked them to straighten him out. I didn't.. they saw by his behavior he was being abusive.. trouble was he would then take it out on me. I had to ask people to stop standing up for me.. since in the end it only hurt me..

    Its interesting to see some of the experiences in here. I know I haven't had a chance to comment on everyone's but appreciate the input!

    There was one time I got pulled into committee/judicial meetings that I did not want to. My ex had gotten back into pot again and with it, two of the young teenage youth in the cong. I had no idea until just before they got into trouble that when the guys 'went into the basement' they were smoking pot.. My sister was around and knew though and we both got called into a committee meeting over it. It was HORRIBLE.. The father of the twins was in the room with us and he started accusing me of all kinds of things. Here I wasn't even on 'trial' and didn't want to be there in the first place.. In the end it was two witnesses... against two witnesses.. so the boy who didn't admit to anything got off.. then a sister of the twins hated us for 'lieing' about her brother. She snubbed us.. Years later her brother took her aside and told her that we had told the truth..

  • Quotes

    My ex-wife was a stoolie. She turned in her friends for making out. (the horror: teenagers making out).

    Of course, they weren't her friends anymore, but she wore that like a badge of honour.

    Years later, she turned me in for adultery and my best-friends (I mean, former best friend) turned me in for apostasy.

    Oh, wait, I did turn someone in. MYSELF: I voluntarily reported for baptism at age 17. Duh.

  • Deleted

    I turned myself in for getting drunk at a Trailblazers game and staying the night in Portland. I asked to step down but I was deleted instead. Regards, Deleted.

  • little witch
    little witch

    Well, think about it. The society is so concerned with every minute detail of millions of lives, that I would bet we have all been through this, or know someone who has.

    Perhaps if they dealt more with substantial things, they would do better...But I am glad they are distracted for two reasons.

    Number One, because this sort of intrusive behavior turns off all but the "raised in it" class.

    Number two, they use their energy worrying about the trivial, instead of indoctrination.

  • kilroy2

    I worked for my uncle with a cousin in his electrical business. my cous was a lot older than me and was fun to be around the class clown so to speak.

    he would smoke and had me get his cigs and porn books as he did not want the elders to see him smoke. my uncle that we worked for was an elder at the time. I became known that my cous dan smoked and round came 3 elders to my house and sat at the table and told me how I needed to stand up for hova [ if hova is so big he can do his own crap work] I was 17 at the time and still felt very much under the control of the socity. after an hour of pounding on me I caved and told them that I new dan smoked and did not want to loose my job. they said that they would talk to dwain my uncle and have him talk to me. I liked electrical work a lot. well dwain came to me and told me that I would no loose my job if I turned in dan. so I did the good dubber thing. the big out come was dan was given that I had turned him in,so he went to another of our uncles and turned himself in and said that he had smoked up till a couple of weeks before and quit,was sorry and wanted help.which was all bull crap. but any way the elders did nothing to him he just had to go to a bible study for a couple of months than slacked off. never quit smoking, and as for me no I did not loose my job but I did not do electrical work any more I was put on construction clean up driving the flat bed truck around from job to job picking up the crap. that is just one of the many many times that the dubbers screwed me. I liked dan and till the day he died he never trused me again, and I dont blame him. but he did not realise the presure that the elders can put on a young person that was raised to believe that these idots are put there by god. this type of thing happens so much we call it politicing. just like in washington. no different. that is why I feel so good about being away from them and their illk,

  • Sassy
    Well, think about it. The society is so concerned with every minute detail of millions of lives, that I would bet we have all been through this, or know someone who has.

    I agree LW. We all have run into this. We come to a crossroads, we know of someone who has done something that by all rights should be turned in/ according to the direction from the WTS, but what do we do about it? The thing is, by some standards it is just 'turning someone in, ratting on them, being a stoolie".. but.. what if we were taught if we loved someone that if we didn't make sure they changed their course, their bloodguilt and LIFE could be in our hands.. the weight of it all.. IF you really loved them, you'd make sure they either turned themself in .. or you were supposed to??

    or if someone you loved was in that position with you? and out of 'love' they turned you in.. HOW did you feel about it??

    some made one choice (not turn someone in).. some felt they had too..

  • little witch
    little witch


    I will try to explain later.

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    Never, even when having my judicial hearing I was asked at the end of it did I know of any other witnesses who participated with me or I observed doing wrong. I knew of one person but I didn't say anything, he got DF'd several years later anyway.

    But I found it strange that Im in a meeting for getting DF'd and they want to know of any one else also?! talk about pity and compassion.

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