January 2018 Study Watchtower - if only J.W.'s knew the truth!

by The Fall Guy 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • The Fall Guy
    The Fall Guy

    Page 19, paragraph 12: "With prayerful consideration, the Governing Body strives to be faithful and discreet with regard to how the organization’s funds are used."

    Yeah, I "prayed" too - that more and more J.W.'s would discover that millions of dollars of their hard-earned cash were being misused to shut the mouths of J.W. paedophile victims who sued the org - instead of the donations being used for the alleged worldwide work!

    Nice to see the Guardians Of Doctrine exhibiting total openness and humility.

  • steve2

    Well they are "discreet" in the most self-serving and duplicitous meaning of the word.

    Husbands who cheat on wives by frequenting massage parlors appreciate the importance of discreet service.

    Embezzlers need safe places to discreetly launder their ill-gotten gains.

    Purchasing street drugs through discreet contacts is absolutely essential.

    The GB get this. Shame the rank and file don't.

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    This was on my mind at the last meeting. At the end, the COTBOE was reading a resolution about sending local money to funds called the GAA (global assistance arrangement) and the COAA (for CO's). He said the GAA was a mass fund to prepare for unexpected expenses and liabilities including those that take place on Kingdom Hall property. Before the voting he said 'Any questions?' and I was SO tempted to raise my hand and ask "Are the millions of dollars worth of child abuse judgements and out of court settlements taken from the GAA, or is that another fund?"

  • OnTheWayOut
    "Are the millions of dollars worth of child abuse judgements and out of court settlements taken from the GAA, or is that another fund?"

    It is ALMOST worth returning to find a way to bring that question up. But seeing as I don't know when it could come up again, and then only locally, I won't do it. I sure wish you had said that.
  • Diogenesister

    Well this backs up SBF theory....we all know they're as transparent as a window and as subtle as a brick.

    They've written this in case it all goes tits up!!

  • steve2

    I am surprised that not once has anyone in the audience asked necessary - but awkward - questions about the use of funds. Fact is, as "tempted" as the isolated individual might be to ask such questions, no one ever does. I understand the need for self-preservation of those in attendance - but still a shame .

  • freddo

    I'm surprised your CoBE even asked if there were any questions, NBD.

    Any resolution I have ever sat through didn't have an invitation for questions included.

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    Yes I was tempted but it isn't an option at this time. When it comes to leaving JWs you only have one shot. After that information control kicks in.

  • jp1692

    NBD: "Are the millions of dollars worth of child abuse judgements and out of court settlements taken from the GAA, or is that another fund?"

    Does it matter? Ultimately, the source of all money the WTBTS has came from members, even if it was then leveraged into real estate or other investments.

  • sparrowdown

    A donation to the "worldwide work" is pretty general amd vague when you think about it, could mean anything.

    Could mean the worldwide keeping WT's ass afloat work. At the end of the day how much does anyone know what specifically happens to their charity dollars.

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