New Resolution?

by NikL 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • NikL

    Had our midweek meeting last night.

    They had a resolution to send an extra (I wanna say $1100 but I only remember it was at least $1000) per month to forward the kingdom preaching work etc.

    You know how they work in the one votes against anything. I abstained as I almost have ALWAYS done. I find the thing a farce.

    Anyway, after the resolution went forth the brother explained this was just an adjustment to the resolution from last year and the increase suggested by the branch.

    WTF? Do they now tell the local halls how much they are expected to contribute? What happens if that amount is not sent one month, are they then in the red?

    Anybody else know about this?

  • Darkknight757

    That's nice. Mother needs more of your money. Kinda reminds me of that old lady pic in a recent magazine. She starves herself but gives to the Borg. Sad.

  • Londo111

    Watchtower are such leeches.

  • WingCommander

    Know what I'd like to see? The Branch actually send some money BACK to local congregations to help with the needy, poor, elderly, & sick. You know, like a fine Shepherd should be doing? Like the "Charity" they constantly profess to be?

    Ha! Hahahahaha! Like THAT will ever happen! This corporation is such a money-grubbing parasite upon it's members that it's not even funny. Yet NO ONE seems to notice! Everyone is too brain dead and programmed to OBEY all direction, no matter how illogical from a human standpoint. What a farce and total racket they've got going.

  • WingCommander

    Oh, and that pic above from a recent WatchTower.......F*CKING DISGUSTING!

    Empty fridge = Sad Grandma.

    Giving your last nickle to the WTBTS, even though you're starving? = Happy Grandma.

    How much more blatant and "brazen" can they get? Hey, someone's gotta pay for TOMO III's gold Rolex watch, gold rings, and gold cuff links on French cuffed dress shirts.

    F' the old ladies! The Son of Man didn't have a pillow to rest His head upon, but I'm better than that!

  • Spiral

    Wow, that's actually a significant increase. No way my mother's congregation could afford that. Most are on welfare, food stamps, or disability already.

  • shadow

    Which magazine is grandma in?

  • wifibandit

    January 2017 Watchtower, page 9, study edition


    I`m a GB "Rock Star" Pope WatchTower Bum..


    Image result for broadcasting anthony morris

  • Crazyguy

    They need to upgrade thier $20,000 watches, there getting old and outdated.

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