Those scary apostates outside conventions with banners and megaphones...

by dolphman 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Actually I am from California but I have family who used to live in Tacoma.

    I must say though, I went tons of conventions in different locations, I never witnessed anything quite like the Tacoma convention though.

  • Gretchen956

    I went to the Tacoma Dome regularly. At the time I was active in a congregation in eastern Washington (Tri-Cities area). Haven't lived there for years.


  • ring

    *raises hand*......another tacoma domer

    Ive been to assemblys all over the northwestern US, and i'll never forget the diehard apostates outside the Tacoma Dome in the early 80's

    when i joined this site.....i wondered if those fruitcakes posted here

  • Abaddon


    Who hear said they saw a little girl with long red hair beautiful and giving out apostate literature maybe about 7 or 8, and thought surely Jehovah wouldn't kill her...... this is laughable. And very sad, had the same girl knocked on your door with a WT and her mother you'd be condemning her mother for indoctrination into a cult. Give me a break.

    You are talking about someone recounting their thoughts from a periuod when they were in a CULT. Is it difficult to understand what that means, ya know, like HIGH CONTROL GROUP and the way they teach people to think? Of course they thought that way; MOST PEOPLE WHO WERE IN THE JW's WOULD HAVE THOUGHT THE SAME THING.

    Likewise, most people having got out of a cult would think a JW kiddies was being indoctrinated - and they would be right to think so.

    Thus you say nothing that indicates any understanding of the situation or sympathy for those in it.

    Laugh away, the joke's on you...

  • ScoobySnax

    Do you not think that getting an 7 or 8 year old girl to stand outside a convention ground with exjws holloring through megaphones, giving out "apostate" literature is not a form of indoctrination in itself? Or can you not get your mind round that one?

  • mouthy

    GUILTY AS CHARGED!!!! Yes I am one of those folks you all think is loonie!!!! I have picketed the Brooklyn Bethel for 10 years. Skydome in Toronto for two years....Yes I had the bull horn too> Shouting how much I loved them all. On my placard it read "Your are studying the scripture because you think by them you will have everlast ing life- Yet you refuse to come to ME=Jesus" On the other side it said "The work of God is to believe in the one he sent Jesus Christ"I have not read all the thread. Because I dont care who thinks I am nuts...... I only have ONE to Judge me!!!!!! Yep I was "born again" Oct 20th 1989 PTL -I dont picket anymore -to old ....But I loved it! especially when at Brooklyn Bethel the Elders would slip round the corner to talk to me... So afraid to be caught- Guess they dont believe God sees ALL....One of the Cops came to Christ that way.....PFO sells the video of us all doing it. The bus trip down was a scream.... The Toilet was the Jonadab- If you ever rode on that bus-----You would see how silly we were as JWs.... But here was a BUS LOAD!!!!!!! Of Faithful JW who have seen the light & would go to ALL lengths to help YOU see it ((((HUG))) Grace

  • mouthy

    On this thread alone I have been labeled "loonie, nuts, bozzo,crazy ????? Much much more!!!!! Remember kids!!!!"The way you are judging is the way you will be judged" Oh! I forgot none of you believe that anymore eh????? I know three folk who came out of the WT that way Two being David Reed & his wife Penny- Who has done so much for so many!!!!!!!

  • mouthy

    bttp-----I want some of you to read this..... Since your so adament it is wrong.....Sad

  • wednesday

    I believe picketing had it's place. (glad to see u back on the board mouthy) However, it would not generally have helped me. All it did was frighten me. They did seem crazy like the WTS told us they were. But i was not into doctrine at the time, and i can see how if somone was on the fringe of jws, and having questions about doctrine, they might have listened to them. Or somone who converted as an adult. But most born and raised jws would not ever listen. I would not even make eye contact with them. One stopped me once and i did look at them and they said"u are afriad of us, aren't u? They are lying to u". I have never forgotten that. Now we have the internet. I belive it is a better avenue for freeing people form the Org. No one has to know u are looking into it.

    the one thing i can say about picketing, it has served a purpose. It let all of us know that not everyone agreed with jws and many people were not afraid to stand on a street and tell others that .

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    Mouthy first let me say I haven't called you any of those names. My view was from that of a young kid who had a picketer rush up to me and say my daddy was willing to let me die if I ever needed blood. It was a lousy approach I'm sure you'd agree. I admire the zeal from which many of you attack the society. I agree it needs to be attacked and I agree that picketers are valuable. I just think a respectful approach works best.

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