2023-10-13-Announcement (Reporting Field Service)

by Atlantis 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • NotFormer

    Vidiot, the decline is slower than most would like, but it is noticeable, even to outsiders like me who know what to look for. It may take decades to fade, but I doubt it will ever be the "mighty" org they were when they could point to all three of your points and say "See, this proves we're God's earthly organisation!"

    I wonder if we'll ever see them down to a million members? Armstrong's Church of God used to have five million members. Now, as Grace Communion International, they "boast" of having fifty thousand members internationally! And they were a very similar beast to the WT. There are still Bible Students groups loyal to Russell (!), but their total number is estimated in the tens of thousands.

    Perhaps we can dream of a day when jw.org is a patchy website that brags about its 100,000 followers worldwide...

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad
    Perhaps we can dream of a day when JW.borg is a patchy website that brags about its 100,000 followers worldwide...

    Me thinks that day may come sooner than later...even 1,000,000 members will be welcomed by exjws & considered insignificant & not worth mentioning or talking about...mission accomplished...Yay!

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