Unusual means for getting expelled - Disfellowshipped.

by Rattigan350 39 Replies latest members private

  • Rattigan350

    Now I have the most unique way that a person has been expelled from the organization. I’ve heard stories about people being expelled because of reporting abuse to authorities. No wrongdoing on their part. Here is a case of no wrongdoing on my part as I was not even present.

    We had 5 dogs. A mother (boxer) her 3 pups (boxer-bullmastiff) and another daschund-beagle. In October 2013 we took a trip and my wife got a 19 year old girl from the congregation to take care of them. There was no problem with them, other than they barked and the neighbor complained. In March 2014 she got a 16 year old boy from the congregation to watch them and he had no problems. Then in May we were planning a trip (my parent’s 50th wedding anniversary which I really wasn’t enthused about going as it would be mostly people from the congregations there) and she got a 20 year old girl that I didn’t know to watch them. One day while I was at work she had the girl over to meet the dogs, I thought and expected that she would wait until I got home as done before. While at work I got a frantic call from her saying that the dogs seriously injured the girl. When I got home the girl was already sent to the hospital, but my wife was there and the sheriff’s deputies were there investigating (which pissed me off as they made things worse calling it a crime scene). I had learned that earlier my wife and the girl were inside playing with them and then they went outside. While they were outside, the girl went to pick up a ball and one dog (the mother) grabbed her ponytail thinking it was a ropetoy. Then the other dog grabbed it as if they played tug of war with branches and ropes. Then the third who would get in fights with the other dogs, joined in. The other two ran and hid. My wife told her to get up and run but she said she was too scared. (Hmm staying on the ground is a better choice? She didn’t listen, didn’t obey and was not blessed.) My wife tried to break it up, but she didn’t know how to successfully do that. She finally got them to stop but the girl’s scalp was tore off and had great injuries and lost about 80% of her blood.

    I made a letter for the Branch as many of you here said that it is an untold appeal. In that I used the same material about how they criticized me for grieving over my dogs and the 11/2006 W quote and even said that if they state that I am DF’d when I had not committed a sin, then they are slandering and disqualified from being elders and on judicial committees and even subject to a suit for slander. On Oct 24, 2014 the branch sent them a letter, and they dropped it off for me, which said that the branch said that they didn't see any reason to reverse either of the committees. That was fine with me. I haven't stepped into a Kingdom Hall since.

  • Makemeanunbeliever
    You appear to have more grievance for your dogs instead of the horrific ordeal placed upon this innocant girl. If so, may the same thing that happened to the girl whirl back upon your own head in some form one day.
  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim
    Disfellowshipping for admitting you no longer believe the WT, with witnesses.
  • Bonsai
    That's ... horrible. She lost 80% of her blood from a scalp wound? This is why I stay way the hell away from dogs.
  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    So the dog was in the 100lb range? They don't look anything like a Pitbull, why no. Why not hire a 12 year old to take care of them and hang a tri-tip around the kid's neck? I give up on people who think their dogs will treat strangers as they treat them. Loons.

  • shadow
    What makemeanunbeliever said. Blame the victim. Doesn't sound like you learned anything
  • jws
    Never played tug-of-war or any such things with dogs I've had as I believe it tends to bring out their aggressive nature.
  • Simon

    You sound like an irresponsible idiot who nearly got a poor girl killed.

    You knew the dogs got in fights with the others - that is not normal behavior that should be tolerated. It points to poor training and poor management of them.

    You should pay to board your dogs in a kennel rather than trying to go cheap and take advantage of some kids to do it.

    It absolutely was a crime scene because you, as the owner, are responsible for what your animals do.

  • nicolaou

    I'm glad Simon got in before me because my language would have violated every guideline in the book.


  • WingCommander

    I have nothing against animals, even dogs that I don't care for. Here's my experience.

    Once when I was 16, an auctioneer who had his business across the street was having a huge garage sale in about June, mid-summer. I was on my own property, digging a hole for a tree my parents had gotten with a shovel. Someone had brought their dog (not on a leash) to this garage sale. It got away from them, came running over to me snarling and growling. I wasn't going to take this on my own property. I raised that shovel to the dog, then told the approaching dog owner to gather his snarling dog and get the f*ck off my property before I took it's head clear off. Well, that freakin' jerk actually had the BALLS to try and turn the blame back around on myself!!!! I told him HE was breaking the law by not having his dog on a leash, and that I had every right to protect myself from his snarling freakin' dog. Even at 16, I wasn't tolerating this type BS from people.

    You Sir, should be ashamed to actually try and turn it around to make that girl responsible for her own injuries!! She could have died, and for what? You to bitch and moan? I'd have put all of those dogs (except the two that had hid) DOWN for harming a human like that. Why? Because I value human life above an animal.

    If the JW Cult DF'd you for your incredible behaviour, then I say, "Good for them!!!!" Even those clowns manage to get something right from time to time. It says a lot about you that even the JW's don't want to have anything to do with your dumb azz!!

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