Sample Disassociation Letter please?

by LifesNotOver 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    dear bros



  • dubstepped

    It's easy. Just send it to your congregation and tell them you wish to disassociate. BE SURE TO SIGN YOUR LETTER.

    Don't listen to those who discourage disassociation. They don't have the balls to take a stand and often continue playing games with the JWs trying not to get caught doing things, looking over their shoulders, and telling others not to disassociate because they can't bring themselves to. They allow the Borg to continue having power over them. Imagine what it would be like if more disassociated and the congregations had to face the facts instead of thinking there might still be brother or sister so and so out there.

    Sound harsh? I'm tired of the lame "don't play their game" discouragement of those bold enough to take a stand. If someone doesn't want to, that's fine, and I won't discourage someone from fading. I don't get the discouragement to DA given to those that want it. It's hard enough to take such a bold stand without people that don't have the guts discouraging them. It's like an abuse victim being discouraged from confronting their abuser or taking a stand. That's messed up.

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    My husband and I sent a letter to the KH and we both signed it. I don't remember word for word but it was very plain.

    To Whom It May Concern:

    We no longer wish to be associated with or considered to be members of Jehovah's Witnesses organization.

    Signature Signature


    It must have took, because we've never heard a peep out of them or seen hide nor hair, and it's been several years now.

    We wanted to feel OUT and also, we were tired of random, unannounced visits.

    Hope all goes well for you, whatever you decide.

  • Finkelstein

    It doesn't have to be long winded, it can be polite and respectful like .....

    Due to some deep thoughtful contemplation and consideration, I have decided to dissociate myself from the JWS faith all together and in particular this Congregation.

    My retaining belief or faith of what comprises of this Christian based organization is not enough to be a fully devoted to it or to be a loyal engaging participant.

    I would also like to make it known at this time that I would not appreciate to be contacted as an attempt to re-shepard me back by any of the associated members or elders of this Congregation.

    With respect to all members of the ........ Congregation ......... your name

    Something along those lines is adequate, simple and sweet

  • RubaDub

    I quit.

    Rub a Dub

  • sparrowdown

    The letter is for you not them so the formalities are not that important - they will still accept it regardless.

    Say what was the deal breaker for you in a concise way (I doubt they bother to read long letters) and you cannot in all good conscience support an organization such as this any longer etc etc you get the drift.

    All the best with it and I hope it helps you move on.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Don't listen to those who discourage disassociation. They don't have the balls to take a stand and often continue playing games with the JWs trying not to get caught doing things, looking over their shoulders, and telling others not to disassociate because they can't bring themselves to. They allow the Borg to continue having power over them. Imagine what it would be like if more disassociated and the congregations had to face the facts instead of thinking there might still be brother or sister so and so out there.

    Sound harsh? I'm tired of the lame "don't play their game" discouragement of those bold enough to take a stand. If someone doesn't want to, that's fine, and I won't discourage someone from fading. I don't get the discouragement to DA given to those that want it. It's hard enough to take such a bold stand without people that don't have the guts discouraging them. ~ dubstepped

    It's said that opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one. Thanks for sharing yours.

    IMO, your opinion stinks (*like assholes) -- or rather, the pejorative way you refer of those who choose not to DA or who don't share your thoughts about DA -- stinks.

    But it could just be different circumstances and thus a different point of view.

    In my case, they would LOVE to nail my ass. But I won't do anything that allows them to drag me into a JC and DF me. And I sure as hell won't make their job easy by sending a DA letter. This doesn't mean the bOrg has any power over me. If I were to DA, then they would have greater power over me by demanding that my JW family and (remaining) friends/contacts shun me and they could enforce that rule. They can't do that now. Those who desire to remain in contact with us can do so without any possible risk of retribution.

    I did refer to DA as "playing by their game" because it is outlined in the JW Elders' Book of Rules. And, as many here know and/or have had it happen personally, when the Eldubs come calling on you (esp if they suspect apostasy) you will most definitely be asked if you still believe "the GB/F&DS are God's representatives today"? Because if you deny the GB, you have DA yourself from the bOrg. No more calls for the Eldubs. No more chance of you spreading "apostate lies". You just allowed them to close their file on you, nice and tidy like. [Been there, done that.]

    But like I also said, IF it's therapeutic for a person to make a statement and close the door soundly behind them, then by all means, Just Do It. But you cannot undo it later if you change your mind. At least not easily. There are those here who have posted that they later regretted their decision to DA.


  • Sail Away
    Sail Away
    I couldn't in good conscience remain a JW because of all of the pain I witnessed due to shunning and protecting pedophiles. I wasn't about to shun my DF'D son under any circumstances. I chose to write a letter of resignation (sent by certified mail from my high-powered lawyer) and threatened to sue them if they announced it from the platform. Best option for me. I don't have to deal with the shunning game in small town America, and I can live my life freely without looking over my shoulder. Life is good.
  • DesirousOfChange

    I chose to write a letter of resignation (sent by certified mail from my high-powered lawyer) and threatened to sue them if they announced it from the platform. ~ Sail Away

    Sailor, just curious if that got them to avoid making the public announcement? And with what result? Does everyone still shun you/treat you as DFd? In what area do you live?

    Thx! for sharing your experience.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Just my total personal view.

    I resigned. I always recommend not using their loaded bullshit language. I didn't disassociate from my friends. I left a cult. It's not my fault that my friends and family still in are brainwashed from associating with me. Thus, I resigned.

    Keep it to one side of one piece of paper. Be concise. Think bullet points. They get Russian novel sized letters like this every week. They sort of scan them. They'll always read concise ones.

    ....Unless you need to vent for you. Just realize that if it starts heading into page 3, you're writing more for your mental sanity than for the statement it will create at HQ. Trust me, the ones they trust to read these letters are numb to them. What they're looking for more than anything are clues as to other apostates whom either 'infected' your or whom you might have 'infected'. (apologies for the harsh terms, that's how they view this stuff. They're cruel)

    The bottom line question is, what do you hope to accomplish with your letter?

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