Currently, Who Is Your Favorite Politician??

by minimus 102 Replies latest social current

  • Badger

    Gore dropped Lieberman like a steaming load that he is...I just hope that Dean actually fights, the way Gore didn't. Clark and/or Dean...I like them both, even if the So-Called Liberal Media don't. I think Clark actually earning his military uniform in the jungles of Vietnam while Bush was AWOL from the national guard, banging hookers and snorting coke in Mexico, would make him more likely to beat Dubya.

    If Karl Rove, er, uh, Bush picks Cheney as VP again, I'd pound away at the health issue.

  • SixofNine

    Badger, Dean will fight. Unfortunately, he's not much more qualified than Bush as a leader if he wins. Key word though is "much". He is more qualified, he's at least intelligent, and the people he's beholding to, are much nicer than the people Bush is beholding to. But a remarkably similar biography, Dean and Bush. Nothing to admire about either one of them, really.

    Minimus, the last word on the Gore endorsement ought to go to David Letterman, who tonight said (and I am paraphrasing):

    "Did you hear the news? Al Gore has endoresed Howard Dean for president."

    (Scattered applause, some boos)

    "How fitting. The guy who didn't beat Bush is endorsing the guy who won't beat Bush."

  • Badger

    The guy who didn't beat Bush

    Are you sure?

    Gore -- 50,996,116

    Bush -- 50,456,169

    Three years later, it STILL looks like more Americans wanted Gore as their president.

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith
    Three years later, it STILL looks like more Americans wanted Gore as their president.


    "How fitting. The guy who didn't beat Bush is endorsing the guy who won't beat Bush."

    Pay attention, Letterman has it right

  • SheilaM

    FDR someone willing to do what it took and to try anything to help the country. Even if it meant going against party lines GO FDR YOU ROCK

    Oh I know you said currently but that is where my heart lies and my hope that we once again have someone like him.

    Now, Bush cause my son is responsible for his safety so gotta go with the man

  • Sunnygal41


  • Badger


    Hey, I'm liberal, but that guy makes Ho Chi Minh look like Sean Hannity.

  • SixofNine

    Transfers Nod to Bush in 5-4 Decision

    Just moments after former Vice President Al Gore endorsed former Vermont Governor Howard Dean for President in Harlem yesterday, the Supreme Court overturned his endorsement by a 5-4 margin.

    The Court, finding the former Vice President's endorsement of Mr. Dean unconstitutional, transferred his endorsement to President George W. Bush instead.

    Writing for the majority, Chief Justice William Rehnquist said, "There's really no explanation necessary - we're the Supreme Court, and if you don't like it, you can stick it where the moon don't shine."

    While some Democrats howled that the Court was inappropriately politicizing itself with its controversial decision, Mr. Gore accepted the ruling, saying, "After four minutes of partisan wrangling over this matter, it is time for us to move on."

    Mr. Gore expressed some regret that his endorsement had been transferred from Mr. Dean to Mr. Bush, but added, "It'll be nice to be on the winning side for a change."

    But Mr. Gore's endorsement could turn out to be a mixed blessing for the Bush campaign, as a survey of those who heard Mr. Gore's Harlem speech showed that 55% felt "drowsy" while 40% "lost consciousness altogether."

    In other political news, Senator John Kerry (D-Mass) decided today to reinvent his campaign once more, officially positioning himself as "the most potty-mouthed candidate ever to run for President."

    In an interview with Rolling Stone released today, Mr. Kerry said, "If anyone f---ing says that I'm not f---ick qualified to be f---ick president, I'm going to f--- them up."

  • TresHappy

    Hubert Humphrey...

  • Gamaliel

    Still a toss-up between Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky.

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