Currently, Who Is Your Favorite Politician??

by minimus 102 Replies latest social current

  • dolphman

    I voted for bush in 2000, because let's face it, Al Gore is an annoying son of a bitch. I like Dubya for the fact he kills bad guys, which some people (like democrats) are too impotent to do. Clinton's attempt at squashing terror got us 9/11, so in a sense, it's good to have a President who's willing to push the button.

    The bad side to Dubya is there is no finesse. He can hardly speak coherently. Therein lies his major problem as president, which in turns does more harm then good.

    I would vote Democrat this year if there is any kind of combination of a Wes Clark/Howard Dean combination. I think the two of these guys could take care of business. Let Wes handle military foreign affairs and let Dean do the national stuff.

    Wes has to be part of the equation, i don't think Dean has the stones to handle terrorisism/middle eastern affairs.

    so i admitted it, i'd vote democrat. I'm affiliated with neither political party, all i care about is who's up to the job.

  • minimus

    My next question will be-----Currently, Who Is Your Favorite Politician On This Board?......

  • Prisca

    Farkel for 2004

  • freedom96


  • drwtsn32


    I like Bush.

    Yeah, but who's your favorite politician?

  • drwtsn32

    LMAO Prisca!

  • Euphemism

    ROFL, Prisca! I'm trying to imagine a Farkel campaign debate... that would be wonderful! I think he'd end up losing becuase he'd be too stubborn to butter up the right people, however.

  • logansrun

    Stacey Smith.

  • Euphemism

    Hm, good point... any politician with an avatar asking to get spanked has my vote...

    P.S. ROFL @ the Doc!

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Hey, dolphman, just a point about Democrats... they took care of WWII OK, even if they did pull a Bush I gaffe in Eastern Europe...

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