Micheal Jackson Neverland Ranch Search Warrant

by Tinkerbell4125 103 Replies latest jw friends

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Tink my oldest son has dyslexia. I know exactly where your coming from. People like Farkel are sick puppies. For a person with his intelligence he's pathetic!

    Guest 77

  • seven006


    I join you in the bad speller category. Iv been dyslexic all my life and went through school during a time when the explanation of the eye-brain glitch was just beginning to be figured out. We use to be looked at as either slow learners or vision impaired. A lot has been learned about dyslexia in the past twenty-five years. We simply see things differently.

    When it comes to the written word we tend to see things more graphically as opposed to how written language was intended. We also have some advantages over those who do not have dyslexia. We tend to see two diminutional images in more depth and with greater detail at a much earlier age than they do. We also in some cases understand more abstract and creative concepts and can express those concepts in more simplistic and easy to understand manner. Spelling tends to be a common problem with us not only because of seeing words as graphic blocks but also it simply does not make sense to us. Silent letters, dominate vowels and silent vowels, as well as serif and sand serif type faces send mixed signals to our brains. Especially in the English language there are words that in written form do not make logical sense to us.

    Most dyslexic people have a high intelligence because they have had to work extra hard to compensate for their visual handicap resulting in a creatively quick thought process. People laugh at us because they do not understand our problem and in a very simplistic manner deduce that we are just too stupid to know how to spell. It is far from the truth.

    It is just a difference in the way we see things and how what we see transmits to our brains. In the general population it is looked at as a handicap. It has a lot to do with how we read and spell and a lot to do with our intelligence. The reading and spelling is considered below average but our intellect is usually graded above average. There is a lot more to intelligence than perfect spelling. People with physical differences tend to be looked at as less than average. Stephen Hawking is a good example of that.


  • Tinkerbell4125

    Wow, thanks for that Seven and Guest. I had a hard time in school too Seven, but managed to make good grades, so I can appreciate what you went through. They didn't know a whole lot about dyslexia back *in those days* for me either. I'm glad that understand how it all works now.

    It sounds like Micheal Jackson is in some deep trouble!

    Farkel, did I spell that right!

  • Gerard

    Farkel, I don't think the interest is derived from peeping into a pop-star's sex life. Wacko Jackson claims to be a JW so this case has a potential to be of high profile and maybe help expose the WT's policies. Imagine if MJ's name is in the pedophile file in Brooklyn...

  • MegaDude
    Farkel, did I spell that right!


    None are so offended as the self-important.

  • Gerard

    You have to take a look at this! There is no date in this report:


  • Nosferatu

    I'm having trouble opening the pdf.

  • Gerard
    I'm having trouble opening the pdf.

    The file is protected so I cannot copy & paste. Try http://www.equip.org/free/ and scroll down to Monday, April 21, 2003 11:33 AM 19057 DJ100.pdf Click on DJ100.pdf icon. By the way, according to the "Christian Research Institute", Michael Jackson was DF'd sometime before April 21, 2003

  • Simon

    Arrest warrant out for him.

    Boy, what a freak. Which parent in their right mind though would let their kid stay with him?

    "Go on Johnny Junior ... we'll get $20mill and will be able to pay for your therapy"

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    You're a smart guy, what do you hope to accomplish by making the statements you just made?
    Do you seriously think it will change anything in a positive manner?

    Well said Dave. I'm only sorry your words bounce off, instead of soaking in. Damn shame and a damn waste.

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