Micheal Jackson Neverland Ranch Search Warrant

by Tinkerbell4125 103 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tinkerbell4125
    Court TV's reporter says she travelled all last night to be there when the caravan came to serve the warrants.

    Country Girl, did you catch it when the court t.v. reporter also mentioned that Micheal Jackson sued her for 100 millions dollars?

    Sounds like she's out for vengence.

  • freedom96

    I would like to think he innocent, weird, but innocent.

    Maybe it is another family looking for a big payout. I will have to have to see solid evidence.

  • foreword

    Did he ever sue his plastic surgeons? I think he should, it's pretty pathetic

  • Leolaia

    They're saying that Jackson is not at the ranch; he's in Vegas filming a music video for his new single "One More Chance".....how many think he's out of chances?? Leolaia

  • gentlesoul

    Hey they are not only searching the buildings but are searching the grounds so is this a child molestation with murder ?

  • TresHappy

    You want to see the history of Michael Jackson's face:


  • Leolaia

    how horrible, thinking now about why the ambulence is there....:{ Leolaia

  • Leolaia

    how many of u think about Dorian Gray when u think of MJ's face??? I sure do.... Leolaia

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl


    I did catch that, but they didn't follow up on it. If she's out for revenge, she's doing a bloody good job of it.. hehehe! Did you hear anymore of it?


  • Gerard
    It's in relation to the reports of molestation of another 12 year old, apparently.

    ...and his wish to adopt 6 more sex objects children is vanishing...


    MIKE WANTS MORE KIDS? Well, that's what he says ... but spokesperson says "slowdown."

    *Michael Jackson is full of love. In fact, he's so full of love that he's seeking to dish some out to children via adopting them, he appeared to say in an interview.

    Jackson, already the father of three children, has been dogged by allegations of sexually molesting children but has not been convicted of any wrongdoing.

    Though Jackson expressed his desire to adopt children in an interview, a spokesperson immediately released a press release to clarify for MiJac.

    "At this time, Michael Jackson has not had contact with any adoption agencies," a spokesman specified. "During the interview he spoke in general terms of his love for children and large families"

    Many raids bring along one or two ambulances just in case, so it may not be significant.

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