What're Yall Reading?

by Frannie Banannie 75 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Tatiana

    Want to read a very naughty book by Anne Rice? Try Exit to Eden. She wrote it as Anne Rampling.

    Anyone read any books by Poppy Z. Brite? Her serial killers make Bundy look tame. She combines it with the supernatural. The first one I read gave me bad dreams. Creepy.....

  • wednesday

    April, speaking of Anne Rice, saw her on "the view" on Halloween(sp). She is an odd duck. Said, she was actually afraid of the dark, and i noticed she sat huddled up and seemed paranoid. co-host merridith actually at one point warned the rest of the ladies "dont scare her". really, she looked like she was going to flip out any minute. Take it she does not do a lot if interviews.

  • Tatiana

    wednesday.....each time I've seen her I felt she wasn't very comfortable in front of a camera. I love her books, though. As for being afraid of the dark....maybe she knows things we don't know.

    She writes good erotica.

  • Jim_TX

    Recently finished "The Hiram Key" by Christopher Knight & Robert Lomas

    It is about a couple of Masons who set out to learn the origins of Freemasonry and stumble onto all sorts of things along the way, dealing with Jesus Christ.

    Have bought, but not started yet... "The History of Pi"

    (I think that there is a second book in that 'Pi' series called 'The history of Cornbread', too.)


    Jim TX

  • Tatiana


    'The history of Cornbread', too

    You are a nut!!!

  • tink

    Wheelock's Latin Volume 6

  • Insomniac

    Working my way through Managerial Accounting, Foundations of Entrepreneurialism, MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, Literature and the Writing Process, and Fundamental Chemistry.

    After finals, however, I hope to find some mindless, trashy novel to lose myself in. Something wholly without merit.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    Thunder has a new short story horror genre called Damned Closet Space, it is freaky LOL I can't wait until the ending. I myself have been reading Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf

    Sounds great, Sheila! Me, too!

    Currently i am reading "The battle for God" Karen Armstrong. I just finished "the true believer" and also i am reading dr. Phil's books. I really like all those self help books. I tried reading COC, but , honestly,it is so boring and tedious. But with the "The Battle for God" i am actually interested, and got my hubby ot read some of it. It is one of the most enlightening books i have ever read. Also, i read a lot of health type books. Lots of good books mentioned here. I have found my concentration is not good, mostly due to my health, but when i have good day, i read.

    WOW, Wednesday! You sure are an avid reader for someone with "iffy" concentration, hon...way ta go! I love Dr. Phil's show....he's got a no-nonsense, hittin' tha nail on the head way of addressing ppl's problems that doesn't allow us to squirm out of the hot seat when we belong in it...heheheheh

    Frannie B

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    A Brief History of QI, and The Web That Has No Weaver. Studying up on my chinese medicine theory. Interesting stuff, but I'm thinking I need some pulp fiction about now.

    Odrade, that's some heavy duty reading, hon....what type fiction do you read?

    Want to read a very naughty book by Anne Rice? Try Exit to Eden. She wrote it as Anne Rampling.

    Anyone read any books by Poppy Z. Brite? Her serial killers make Bundy look tame. She combines it with the supernatural. The first one I read gave me bad dreams. Creepy.....

    Thanks for the Anne Rice/Rampling tip, Tatiana....Haven't read Poppy Z. Brite yet, but it sounds intriguing...thanks.

    Frannie B

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    Recently finished "The Hiram Key" by Christopher Knight & Robert Lomas It is about a couple of Masons who set out to learn the origins of Freemasonry and stumble onto all sorts of things along the way, dealing with Jesus Christ.

    Have bought, but not started yet... "The History of Pi" (I think that there is a second book in that 'Pi' series called 'The history of Cornbread', too.)

    Thanks, Jim_Tx....."The Hiram Key" sounds very interesting....but I hafta know....what are "The History of Pi" and "The History of Cornbread" about? LOL

    Wheelock's Latin Volume 6

    LOL, Tink! Somehow....I just know that would put me to sleep...

    Frannie B

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