What're Yall Reading?

by Frannie Banannie 75 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    Survivor - Chuck Palahuink

    Breaking, I think I've read this one....what was it about?

    Working my way through Managerial Accounting, Foundations of Entrepreneurialism, MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, Literature and the Writing Process, and Fundamental Chemistry.

    After finals, however, I hope to find some mindless, trashy novel to lose myself in. Something wholly without merit.

    Holey Moley, Insomniac! Pobrecita.....I would too....no doubt about it....I don't know how yall get your minds wrapped around all that info....I have ADD, tho....so I probably couldn't do all of those during the same time period....my hat's off to ya..

    Frannie B

  • darkuncle29

    I'm reading The TAO of PHYSICS by Fritjof Capra.

    "An exploration of the parallels between modern physics and eastern mysticism."

  • Sara Annie
    Sara Annie

    I just finished "Stiff-The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers" by Mary Roach. Absolutely fascinating book on the history of, and current practices in, the use of human cadavers. I know it sounds ghoulish, but it was actually a very well written, incredibly informative, and full of appropriate humor. I highly reccomend this book.

    I'm am in the middle of "The Language Police" by Diane Ravitch which details the censorship of literature used for standardized testing and text-book/educational materials. Reccomended.

    In less academic reading, I have an affinity for what my husband calls the "popcorn mystery novel", and am reading Jan Burke's latest: "Nine".

  • SiouxWoman

    Hi Frannie: I love to read, and so Im reading: Space by James Michener, high crimes by Joseph Finder and Hannibal by Thomas Harris (again) I tend to read 3 or 4 books at a time. And I always carry one in my purse. Been reading since I was 3 and never broke the habit.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Just finished, "Hidden Power" The Destruction of America... And What You Can Do About It! "None Are More Hopelessly Enslaved Than Those Who Falsely Believe They Are free." Johann von Goetha

    Recently I read, 'Who's Looking Out for You?' by Bill O"Reilly. Catherine Crier, "The Case Against Lawyers" and Gerry Spence, "The Smoking Gun."

    Guest 77

  • Lost Diamond
    Lost Diamond

    I'm reading The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire by Deepak Chopra. Great book! I'm a big fan of his anyway.

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