Obsessed with sex?

by Momofmany 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • SadElder

    You didn't mention in your note the context of the discussion held with your son, and I'm not making light of your concerns. But I can assure your son is not innocent with respect to such matters. He's heard the street version of these things already. If you haven't discussed sexuality with him and/or made provisions for him to discuss questions he might have with someone you both trust, then you've done him a great disservice.

    I may have the wrong impression but what I hear in your post is a hysterical Mom afraid her baby is growing up. He is with or without you, Make sure he has the tools he needs to grow up as well rounded young man.

    Now as to the dubs seeming obsession with sex. I think that many of the older dub elders have been equally hysterical about sex. Obsessed with wanking, kissing, hand holding, telephoning, and anything else they can think of that might possibly be a link to SEX! The enlightened elders I know are much less occupied with such mundane things.

  • SanFranciscoJim
    Getting them to think of sex as dirty helps keep the kids from having sex of any kind when they get older... because they leave after that - a lot.

    This is right on the mark.

    I wonder if there are any statistics about ages of persons who disassociate or are disfellowshipped? My guess would be that the majority are somewhere from their late teens to twenties.

  • Momofmany


    I did not mean that I have not talked to my son about sex. But I do not see the reason to explain how and why people have sex with sheep and cows. I have talked to my son about safe sex, and the like. I do however take offense to a man, who has been studying with my son 2 months, and talking about this. With out my knowledge either. This man also had studies with two of my other sons who are 12 and 9. Should I just let him say to them what ever he wants? Is this what is ok? Would you let someone new to your family talk to your children like that? That is a matter to be talked about by parents to children.

    No I am not a "hysterical Mom" but one who believes that the child's mom or dad needs to be informed what is being told to the child.

  • logansrun

    Let's be a little more exact about this whole thing. The Dubs are obsessed with guilt connected to sex, not just sex per se. You want to see people obsessed with sex just watch network television.


  • SadElder

    Momofmany -

    Keep the door open to communication with your sons. You'll never regret it.

    And there is no reason to discuss specific "mechanics" of bestiality with anyone much less a thirteen year old. Someone needs to have a frank talk with that brother to explain the reprehensibility of his words.

  • Momofmany


    I hope the lines always stay open. I do know they don't tell me everything. They have their own things they think I don't get. I just let them know I am there. Always have been always will be. I hope they know this.

    As far as someone talking to him about what he said, I was told I should not have stopped the study. I should have given him a second chance. The elder was on his side. That's why I was posting here. Is this normal for witnesses? Or did I get one to study with my boys who was whacked?

  • Mac

    After a while ..falatio is just a ratio while anal has become quite banal...and pork really is just the other pink white meat!

    mac yawning class

  • SadElder

    Momofmany -

    You know what is best for your kids. Study with your kids yourself if you can. If they need extra help from others be sure you approve of the person. Just because an elder says something it doesn't mean it's gospel truth. Elders and the WTS do not have to right to dictate anything to you. You had every right to stop the study if you felt things were not going correctly.

    Maybe this brother is wacked and likes talking about perversions. It does happen.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Momofmany, with the publicizing of so much pedophilia running rampant through the organization, it might be wise to consider whether whoever studies/studied with your sons is a pedophile or child molester....they certainly won't tell you.

    Frannie B

  • Celia

    Momofmany : I agree with you, this kind of discussion with your kids by a "stranger" is entirely inappropriate. What does that have to do with religion, God and Jesus ?

    Why do you let your kids study with the JWs ? that's what I'd like to know.

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