Why Did God Call ME Out of the Watchtower?

by stevieb1 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • gumby


    I knew that comment was coming and it's a good one.

    Are all relationships prisons? If I am married, am I a prisoner of my partner? If I join a hockey club, am I a prisoner of that club?
    Are all relationships prisons. They are if one mate threatens you with death, or punishment if you disobey them. If I am married, am I a prisoner of my partner Your are if they threaten you if you disagree with them. If I join a hockey club, am I a prisoner of that club? You are if they threaten you if you ever leave them. Get the point? Gumby
  • donkey
    Honest discussion from a standpoint of faith in God


    I am not attacking YOU - I am questioning your ideas based upon what I read on the screen. Can you see the issue? Rather than say Honest Discussion should you more accurately say Sincere Dicussion?

    I have no doubt of your sincerity and I also have no doubt you honestly believe what you write. But in order for what you write to be honest by itself it has to be true. Now eve you cannot say that faith in God equates to truth and expect us to accept this as an undisputed fact. Now I know you might feel I am picking on your words - and I would sincerely say I AM. Why? Because they show how a Christian (I used to be one) has the mindset that they are RIGHT. They believe very deeply that they are right - so self convincingly that they believe their beliefs are undisputed facts. Just like Muslims beieve their nbeliefs are undisputed facts and both are quire willing to die for their beliefs (I know I was).

    I hope you can see what I am saying and don't just think I am an ass.


  • donkey


    Why do we always end up in the same threads?

  • jgnat

    So if I became a Christian because I was offered a new life as a free gift, and I stay of my own free will because of the enriched life I gained - no coersion - I am a Free Christian, no prisoners?

  • gumby

    Why do we always end up in the same threads?


    Because da lawd is directing us to dees lost souls........dats why

    So if I became a Christian because I was offered a new life as a free gift, and I stay of my own free will because of the enriched life I gained - no coersion - I am a Free Christian, no prisoners?

    Jgnat, What if you don't accept the offer? Gumby

  • jgnat

    I did not chose a relationship with God out of fear, so for me it is a moot point. As for others, I don't believe the Manual (Bible) has all the answers to how each man will fare when he meets his Creator, so I cannot judge. I think God knows our hearts. I do hope he zaps the pedophiles and other evil predators into cinders, though.

  • gumby
    I did not chose a relationship with God out of fear

    According to some here......god chose you, and it wasn't YOUR choice.

    I too, still believe in a creator as the only logic I have on the matter ......tells me so. As I've said a million times on this board before....."why he has allowed what he has", is the mystery that haunts me.


  • avishai

    I DO understand what stevieb is saying. When I was "fading" I prayed hard, for God to show me that the dubs were the "right" religion. What did I get? A big, fat 0.

    I saw a thing on the discovery channel lat night about the Salem witch trials. To reproduce hysteric effects they "convinced" a group of people that they were in a house where someone had been murdered, with a fake psychic running the show. It was just a movie set house, but by the end of 6 hours they had 8 out of ten people convinced they felt something. One lady was crying, everyone else heard voices, felt "sensations".

    It showed that it's pretty damn easy to convince people to "feel" something spiritual. The ones who did'nt feel anything, said they did, just because they felt left out. Social pressure like this got a lot of people killed. It still does. I do believe in a superior intelligence, just not the petulant child of a bible god. One who kills children for lipping off. Who let's murdering bastards like Saul & King David live. He gave them time to change their heart condition. Pharoh did'nt even have a chance, God "Made his heart hard". It does'nt add up. Sorry

  • NeonMadman


    You really have no way of knowing what stevieb1 had in mind when he made his post, do you? So why do you presume to chastise us?

    Was I chastising you? That wasn't my intent. I was expressing something that I have found to be personally frustrating, and that has caused me to spend less time posting here. I guess it came out now because, as I said, I discussed it with others at the ex-JW conference, and found that there are several who were having exactly the same feelings as me.

    There are a lot of unxtian comments to stevieb1 's post for one simple reason - there are more unxtians here than xtians. Unxtians have a right to express their opinions too, don't they? So what are you so troubled by?

    I might wonder whether the fact that there are more unChristians than Christians here is the cause or the effect? I've spoken to a number of Christians who have withdrawn from posting here, either largely or entirely, just because of the reason that I've described. Sure, you guys have a right to your opinion, too. But some of us get the feeling that you guys are like a roving gang, out to disrupt any thread in which you disagree with the premise. The original topic of the thread gets lost, and you have effectively hijacked it to yet another atheist vs. Christian debate.

    You think you have the truth? You've got the spiritual armor? Fine - make your case and win the argument.

    I have repeatedly made my case in this forum. Winning the argument isn't an option, if the only possible proof of God for some would be to put Him into a test tube. But, yes, I think if you'll browse through my posts, you'll find that I have endeavored to "fight the good fight" here. The problem isn't that I'm unwilling to discuss the issues, it's that recently, every discussion seems to get turned to the same issue. Do you guys have the right to do it? Sure. If a bunch of Christians were having a Bible study in a public park, you'd have every right to disrupt the study by gathering around them in a public place and ridiculing their belief. It just wouldn't be very polite, that's all. The first few times you did it, they might even be willing to discuss the issue of whether there is a God with you. But at some point, they also want to sit down with fellow Christians and study their Bibles in a positive atmosphere. And, if the interference happened enough times, pretty soon the Christians would find somewhere else to have their Bible study. Do you really want to change the name of this board to atheist-exjws.com?

    Isn't it inconsistent for people who feel they are "called" to be persecuted for his name's sake to whine when their irrational and unrealistic beliefs are challenged? Where is your "good cheer'? Is not your deliverance drawing nigh?

    I have never whined when my beliefs were challenged. Go back through my posts. I have defended my faith over and over again, against atheists, Muslims, JW's, in some cases, even fellow Christians, and many others. I just think that when a post asks a question from a Christian or spiritual viewpoint, it might be nice if the unbelievers would allow the question to be answered from the same viewpoint, rather than immediately hijacking the thread. If you were having a thread in which you discussed the mechanics of evolution, I wouldn't feel compelled (along with 10 or 15 of my Christian friends) to overwhelm the thread with quotes from Genesis. All I'm suggesting is that you guys offer the same courtesy in the other direction. It isn't that we're necessarily unwilling to discuss the issue of whether there is a God, we just don't want to discuss it in every single thread.


    Madman......you were set free from one organisation and still held by another.... and don't know it. You are "bound" to Jesus just like you were "bound to the Organisation. If you disagree with him or disbelieve in him.........you are toast forever. What's the difference?

    Let's see, then. I guess that means that the only way I can truly be free is to come into the light of the one true religion, atheism, and to foist my beliefs onto others whenever an opportunity presents itself. Tell me again how I'm the one who hasn't left the cult? And, if you're truly an atheist, aren't you "toast forever" whether you're right or wrong (at least in the sense of being annihilated, like the JW's teach)?

    My relationship with Jesus is nothing like my relationship to the organization. Not even close. First off, it's not dependent on any human authority. It's strictly spiritual in nature. I attend a church and participate in various things because I choose to; the minute the church starts to make my life miserable, I won't be there any more, and I don't have to worry about losing my family or friends. But why am I explaining? You know all this, I suspect. You just believe, in the final analysis, that you have found the true religion, and I haven't, right?


    All evidence you present would indicate that God is a figment of YOUR imagination.

    Not sure how to answer this, since I haven't attempted to present any evidence in this thread as to the existence of God. Also, I'm pretty sure from my reading of history that people believed in God before I was born, so I think He must have come from somewhere other than my imagination.

    I am not attacking YOU - I am questioning your ideas based upon what I read on the screen. Can you see the issue? Rather than say Honest Discussion should you more accurately say Sincere Dicussion?

    I know that you are not attacking me, and I hope that no one here thinks that I am attacking them. I'm not mad at any of you guys, really. But I have found the conditions on this forum frustrating in recent times, and so have others. I just decided to pipe up about it. And sure, I'll buy the term, Sincere Discussion as opposed to Honest Discussion. I understand that you guys are sincere about your beliefs, too, and I respect that. This is not a call for all atheist/Christian exchange to stop; I just think that there are appropriate and inappropriate times for it, and lately, some of us feel that you guys aren't willing to allow us to talk about anything else.

    Now I know you might feel I am picking on your words - and I would sincerely say I AM. Why? Because they show how a Christian (I used to be one) has the mindset that they are RIGHT. They believe very deeply that they are right - so self convincingly that they believe their beliefs are undisputed facts.

    Do only Christians have the mindset that they are right? Don't atheists believe that they are right? I recall a case in the news a while ago of a college professor who would not give a recommendation to any student who in any way indicated the possibility of a Creator of any sort, when the professor asked how the student believed that the universe originated. Did that professor believe that his viewpoint was right? I think he did. Obviously, in any belief that we hold, we think that we are right. I think I'm right when I say that the sky is blue and the moon is not made of green cheese. I also think I'm right when I say that Jesus Christ died for my sins. The difference is that you would likely agree with me about the first two, but disagree on the third. That's ok; I can live with that. Can you?


    Note that I have not responded to direct challenges made in this thread about the existence of God. Sorry; I'm just not in the mood to have that discussion (again) now. Besides, for me to get into that would only divert attention from the point I originally jumped into this thread to make.

  • gumby


    You just believe, in the final analysis, that you have found the true religion, and I haven't, right?

    I haven't found anything. I wish I could find something that answered life's questions. I feel everybody with a belief system has only guesses as to what is truth.

    I do however feel it a kind duty to inform others of information that uncovers falsehood.......if that falsehood robs people of something.


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