Demonized objects

by Patrick 61 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • FlyingHighNow

    Wow, where'd you get that graphic of MR. Bean Else? I have to admit that was unexpected and it made me laugh.

    As for the rock. When I was a kid and not a JW, I had a slumber party and we had a seance and conjured up an invisable being of somekind. There were five kids that witnessed the things the being did. We are all still alive and we all are in our forties. One of us, my brother is still a JW. This being was intelligent because it did just what we asked it to. There definitely are beings that we cannot see that dwell amongst us. Are they dead people? Are they demons? I don't know. All I know is that the "spirit" understood English and did what we asked and it stayed in my bedroom for two or three months. I moved out until it gave up and left. It never did anything mean spirited to us. We were scared of it because we didn't understand who or what it was.

    Once someone told me that "demons/spirits" have different personalities and do different things with their time. Some possess people, some mess with the government, some haunt houses and some play pranks like hiding Bibles while your head is down for the prayer at a Bible study. That also happened to me at my study. We couldn't find that Bible anywhere. Then after the closing prayer, there it was, right where the sister had left it.

    I don't know if this sheds any light on your question. Hope you figure it all out.

    Heather S.

  • In_between_days

    Patrick have you considered that this may be a "Pet Rock" we have pet rocks in Australia. They are rocks with bobble eyes stuck on them. Some even have hair and and smilie faces. You can get them at $2.00 stores or bargain basements. Maybe thats just what this animated rock is, perhaps it is just a more "Hardcore" pet rock.

  • Mac

    Based on my understanding of Watchtower doctrine...I was pretty sure there were demonic rocks in my pants most of my youth! mac;)

  • greven
    FHN: All I know is that the "spirit" understood English and did what we asked and it stayed in my bedroom for two or three months.

    You had more than three wishes?! Cool! Did it do your homework or the dishes for you? Did it scare your nasty uncle for you? Did it get along with your other imaginary friends?


  • Navigator

    There is a very profound line in "A Course In Miracles" that fits here. "That which you defend against, you make real to your own mind".

  • primitivegenius

    DO YOU SMELL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKING!!!!!!!!! sorry yall i couldnt help myself lol

  • funkyderek

    Patrick, when you win the $1 million dollar prize (which you surely will unless you're a deluded moron or a lying troll) can I have some? Call it a finder's fee.

  • shotgun

    Hey funkyD hope the trip to Brazil was a blast...I went to the link and saw they already have two unexplainable beings in the vault..Old St Nick and Anthony Robbins

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    When I was a kid growing up as a JW, my parents would not have and "antiques" in the house --not any family heirlooms or pieces from my grandparents---because they were concerned ( for no apparent reason) that they would be what the Watchtower described as a "beachhead" for the DEMONS!! Oh no! DEMONS!!!


    Now that I am not a JW, I have my entire home furnished with antiques ! ( no demons though)


  • lurk

    mm like the james randi site

    since those stones change for the camera and obviously arnt camera shy youll have no problem in introducing them to james .can expect james randi to anonce your going for the million anytime soon??

    btw do your lips move when the stone is speaking?


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